Siena’s sons and daughters returned to campus June 1-3 for Alumni Reunion 2012, traveling from as far away as Arizona and California. More than 700 alumni, family and friends returned home to reconnect, see what’s new on campus and celebrate their class anniversaries. The weekend’s events kicked off with the Alumni Golf Tournament Friday and then continued with the Class of 1962 enjoying 50th Reunion dinner. All guests reunited at the Destination Siena: Welcome Home Party in the Sarazen Student Union.
Other events during the weekend included honoring the College’s distinguished alumni, campus tours, class dinners and the Alumni and Family Picnic. On Saturday, the McMahon Atrium in Sarazen Student Union was transformed into an exhibit that showcased the College’s 75 years. Siena artifacts including beanies, yearbooks, magazines and trophies were displayed in glass cases. A multimedia presentation captured the 75 years of the Siena education of a lifetime.
The Class of 1987 generated the highest class giving total of nearly $103,000.
The College honored the following alumni at the President’s Circle Brunch:
The Fr. Benjamin Kuhn, O.F.M. Award for Service to the Siena Community:
Judy Capano Michaelson ’87
Sal Ferlazzo, Esq., ’77
Jay Girvin, Esq., ’78
The Professor Joseph A. Buff Award for Career Achievement:
Mary Liz Finn ’82
Robert McCormick Jr.’87
The Professor Egon Plager Award for Humanitarian Effort
Francis Regnante ’52