Siena College welcomed 800 alumni and family members back to campus last weekend. Whether alumni were five, 25, or 50 years out, most had fond memories of their experience on campus. “This weekend simply reinforced the fact that one of the greatest decisions I've ever made was attending Siena College. The school may have changed, but the philosophy, the heart of the college has not. I am so proud of what my classmates and I have accomplished personally and professionally,” Michael McCartney '88 said.
Reunion Weekend 2013 celebrated 75 Years of The Education of Lifetime. It marked the close of a year-long celebration of Siena. “A record number of alumni volunteered to serve on their class committees and worked all year long to assist with fundraising for their class gift and outreach to classmates to attend reunion,” Mary Beth Finnerty '85, director of alumni relations said.
Highlights of the weekend included:
Distinguished Alumni Award Honorees
William E. Redmond ’53, Esq., The Reverend Benjamin Kuhn, O.F.M Award for Service to the Siena Community
Jerry DeFrancisco ’68, The Professor Joseph Buff Award for Career Achievement
Stephen Obermayer ’83, The Professor Joseph Buff Award for Career Achievement
Elvira Altimari Jaeger ’83, The Reverend Benjamin Kuhn, O.F.M Award for Service to the Siena Community
Louis Ianniello ’83, M.D., The Egon Plager Award for Accomplishments in Advancing the Welfare of Others
Andrew Heck ’88, The Reverend Benjamin Kuhn, O.F.M. Award for Service to the Siena Community
Reunion Fundraising Highlights
Reunion giving accounted for 22 percent of the total amount raised for the Annual Fund at just over $400,000 from 787 gifts.
The largest class gift was from the Class of 1968 at $121,673.
The Class of 1993 reached 20 total President Circle members for their 20th reunion.
Next year's reunion, which honors alumni with class years ending in a 4 or 9, will be held June 6-8, 2014.