Seven or below? You're in the majority. But there are plenty of ways to raise your number.
The pandemic, among other stressors (pick your favorite), is taking its toll on everyone's mental health. Suffering in isolation is never the right strategy, but it's a common one. Siena's social media team recently partnered with the Office of Health Promotion to improve our scores.
A Siena College Instagram story encouraged students to rate their mental health on a sliding scale from 1-10. Students who gave themselves a 7 or below received a personal direct message from the social media team with an invitation to follow @healthysaints and to sign up for programming that will support their emotional and mental health. In one day, more than 200 students received the direct message (more than half of all students who responded to the post).
"We used to meet students in the Quad, have programs together in the halls, or walk together to classes. Now, we are limited. Emails go unread. Phones aren't always answered. But social media? Our students not only live there, but they are alive there.
When we think of how Health Promotion and our student wellness leaders have tried to bridge the gap between students and the people, opportunities, and resources they need to thrive, we now use social media to spread that net and create those transformative connections. This initiative is just one of those concrete efforts!"
Kate Kaufman Burns, director of health promotion
"I think this is valuable to Siena students because it brings the resources that we have right to them. They are already on social media and when they receive that direct message it lets them know that they are not alone and that they have support available to them here."
Kelsey Baron '21, student wellness coordinator