The Siena College Community welcomed its newest Saints on Thursday, September 3. Many groups — from orientation staff to admissions counselors to student-athletes to ROTC — helped to move students into their new home.
“Move-In Day was a huge success! We are so grateful to everyone that helped welcome new students and their families,” said Karen Keis, director of Student Activities and Leadership Development.
The welcome wagon included Ryan Moran ’15, who took the trip back to campus to accompany his younger brother, Patrick ’19.
“My four years at Siena led me to some of the greatest friends and have given me some of the best memories in my entire life. I couldn’t be happier that my brother decided to come to Siena. I know he’s going to do awesome things,” said Ryan.
And he had some great advice for his brother: “Ryan told me that it’s important to get involved on campus because it’s a great way to meet people and I want to get involved early. He also said that his four years went by really fast, so I really want to make every day count,” said Patrick.
Orientation runs through Monday, September 7, but the fun doesn’t end there. Siena’s Weeks of Welcome will run September 10-19, which include great events such a talk with Mohsin Hamid, the annual Club Fair, a carnival, 90s throwback night and more.