By Jim Eaton
Specialty Silicone Products, a company with a strong Siena alumni presence, is celebrating their 25th Anniversary. To commemorate the occasion they sponsored a logo contest where Colin Scherff ’16 received a $500 cash prize as the winner.
“I was pretty excited that my logo was chosen,” Scherff, who is also a creative arts and entrepreneurship dual minor, said. He researched the company and used the simple is the most sophisticated approach when it came to the design.
“I was able to obtain their color codes and wanted to keep the company name as the primary focus while giving it new life too,” he said.
Paul DiCaprio ’81, president of Specialty Silicone Products, Inc., along with many SSP employees are alumni who remain active members of the Siena community.
“When it came time to design a logo to celebrate 25 years, Paul could have hired an outside design firm to design it, or design it ourselves, but instead we wanted to give students an opportunity to use their creativity,” Deirdre McArdle '86, inside sales representative at SSP, said.
Scherff, who is also an intern at Medicus Christi, hopes this experience will help him in his journey of starting his own company down the road.
“Siena has taught me the value of pursuing opportunities and this was another one they presented to me,” he said.
For the next year his work will be on display on one company’s letterhead and marketing materials while other opportunities will be awaiting him.