Men's head basketball coach Carmen Maciariello '01 wanted social justice and change in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, so he became the change.
In many ways, Coach Carm was like everyone else when he learned about George Floyd’s murder. He was angry. He was saddened. He was helpless as the United States, and the world, erupted. But inaction was not an option. So unlike those who watched and hoped for change, Coach Carm sprung to action.
He started by making phone calls. He called former coaches, colleagues, mentors. He organized a Zoom call with dozens of future collaborators and explained his vision, "Let's try to change the world. Let's not think small. We've got to think big with this." Maciariello envisioned an organization that could concretely make a difference in the lives of student athletes, their colleges, and communities. On July 8, Coaches 4 Change went live.
The mission of C4C is to provide a platform that engages, educates, empowers, and evolves the collegiate student-athlete on issues of social injustices, systemic racism, and the power of voting. C4C has partnered with and has a goal of registering all college student athletes, regardless of sport, to vote.
Check out the organization's website, below. The Coaches 4 Change launch was picked up by media outlets across the country, including NBC Sports.
“I am excited to work side by side with such a diverse and talented group of men from across the country, Our mission to help raise awareness of social injustices and systemic racism must be an ongoing discussion. Coaches 4 Change will allow us to have a voice and a vehicle to foster change and help us grow as coaches but more importantly as leaders.”
Carmen Maciariello '01, men's head basketball coach