Countless perfectly ripe unpicked apples fall to the ground at the end of each season. At one particular orchard, Siena students changed their destiny.
Siena’s Social Work Club partnered with Riverview Orchards this year to make sure as few apples as possible went to waste. Under the sunny, blue sky of a perfect fall day, club president Emily Trupia ‘22 and twenty other members of the Social Work Club descended upon an orchard still rife with Fiji, McIntosh, Gala, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious apple trees.
The owner of the orchard placed no limit on the number of bags the club was allowed to fill up free of charge - for the Food Pantries of the Capital District. Splitting up into teams, the club members picked all day to fill up 25 grocery bags, all nearly bursting with apples. At the end of the day, club advisor Cynthia Bott, Ph.D., associate professor of social work, loaded all 25 bags into her car and drove them to the Food Pantries where the nearly forgotten apples will make a difference.
“In Social Work Club, we perform acts of service each semester. We give back when and where we can, so if you enjoy helping people, this is the perfect club for you!"
Emily Trupia '22