If your college applications got put on the backburner this holiday season, it's time to kick your efforts into high gear. The regular admissions deadline for Siena College is February 15—just one month away! Not to worry, that's enough time to get your application in tip-top shape, especially when you have access to some of our best last-minute tips...
1. Set up a professional email account. For all of your college-related and future professional correspondence, use a standard first-name-last-name email address. From here on out, you'll want to be remembered for your stand-out application and accomplishments, not for the account name you chose in middle school.
2. Check on transcripts and recommendations. Some time may have passed since you first requested your high school transcripts and recommendation letter from your counselor, so kindly check in on the status of your documents. Remember, your application won't be considered complete until all of your materials have been received.
3. Proofread your essay. Before checking the essay off your application to-do list, proof your work for errors. Then, ask a friend or family member to look over your work, too. Dealing with a case of writer's block? Get more of our essay tips here, or learn about Siena's option to use a graded paper.
4. Keep copies of your materials. Whether you're applying on paper or online, you'll want a backup plan if issues arise. Copy or print each portion of your application, and write down all of your login info or passwords. Doing so will show you which items you're missing (if any), and keep you organized while you're waiting for your decisions.
5. Stay focused. You're almost there! If you're feeling overwhelmed, know that you aren't alone (we're here to help) and focus on the big picture...getting into your dream school.
Haven't started your application for Siena? Now's the time!