Coach Derrick Eccles made the team a promise. If 25 players participated and if the Saints held New Jersey Institute of Technology to single digit goals, he would join in. NJIT never stood a chance
Tommy Rooney loves his hair. Correction: loved his hair. Peer pressure can be a powerful influencer, though, especially when your peers are pressuring you to raise $1,000 for cancer research. Tommy still wasn't sure. But when lacrosse assistant coach Derrick Eccles sweetened the pot, he couldn't refuse.
A group of anonymous donors have pledged $1,000 for every college lacrosse player across the country who shaves his head. Lacrosse for Life raises money and awareness for cancer research at Boston's Children's Hospital. So far, more than 70 teams have participated.
The Saints decided to dedicate their efforts to Colin Clive '14 and Rob Ruggiero '91 who are both battling different forms of cancer. When head coach Liam Gleason presented the challenge, he wasn't sure he'd get many takers. And then up stepped coach Eccles. He promised that if 25 players shaved their heads and if the Saints limited NJIT (in a road game) to nine goals or fewer, then the players could shave his head when they returned to campus.
Final score: Siena - 12, New Jersey Institute of Technology - 5
In all, the lacrosse program has raised $26,000 for cancer research this spring.
"It was for a great cause so I thought we could have a little fun with it. I challenged the team and they came through on both ends. I haven't had a shaved head since my mom gave me buzz cuts growing up. I'm digging the new look and it has streamlined my morning routine."
Derrick Eccles, assistant lacrosse coach
"I had never shaved my head before in my life. It was a difficult decision because I didn’t know what I'd look like bald, but I decided to do it because I realized something so simple would help a child in need. I thought it would be the right thing to do, and my family was proud of me for doing it."
Tommy Rooney '22
"I haven’t shaved my head since I was a little kid, so that definitely made it a tough decision. However, I knew that the cause was bigger than the hair on my head. We had 24 players with shaved heads and I still had my hair, so I said why not and buzzed it off. My mom wasn’t the happiest with my new appearance, but she knew it was for a great cause and approved of the look."
Jack Buckley '20