By: Eric Guzman '12
A temporary jail cell occupied Siena’s campus for the day, locking up members of the Siena community for charity.
Relay For Life, an overnight walking event that raises money for the American Cancer Society, has developed an increasingly popular reputation at Siena College. During the past few years, under the leadership of highly dedicated students, Siena College Relay For Life has raised several thousand dollars. To increase the amount raised this year, the club hosted Siena’s first campus-wide “Jail ‘N’ Bail” fundraiser.
For a small fee, members of the Siena community were able to have each other arrested. Throughout the day, public safety officers were seen arresting students, faculty, staff and administrators, bringing all of them to a jail cell in the middle of campus.
Messy roommates and tough professors were just a few of the people who found themselves sitting in the slammer.
“The other officers and myself were excited to help out when we heard about the event,” said Public Safety Officer Robert Fletcher. “Some students were terrified when we knocked on their door to arrest them, but once they realized it was for a charitable event they became more enthusiastic.”
Once in the jail, the arrested individuals had to use a variety of resources to raise money and post bail. Prisoners were allowed to make phone calls, send text messages or e-mail their friends for donations. They could also simply yell out to the crowd that gathered to support the cause.
“I was completely shocked when I got arrested,” said Ryan Murphy ’14. “Jail ‘N’ Bail is a fun way to raise money for a good cause and I’m glad I could be a part of it.”
Siena College Relay For Life Chairperson Shawn Reap ’12 explained that the success of the event exceeded the club’s expectations. “We weren’t sure what the campus was going to think about the event. We heard that it was successful at a few other schools and decided that we wanted to give it a try,” explained Reap. “It is such a unique fundraiser that brings together all members of the community, something that our club has been looking to do for a while.”
The fundraiser brought in more than $3,300 for the Siena College Relay For Life. All the proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society to fight cancer through education, advocacy, research, and patient and family services.
“Relay For Life is an event that I attend every single year,” said Joseph Fava ’12. “This event had tons of community support and you (could) really feel it. Students, professors and administrators were all in the jail at some point. You don’t see that interaction in many campus events. I’m confident that Relay For Life will be very successful this year.”
The goal for this year’s Relay For Life is a record-setting $40,000. It is scheduled for Friday, March 30 in the Marcelle Athletic Complex. Opening ceremonies will begin at 6:00 p.m. To help the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer and to donate to Siena College Relay For Life, visit
Photo Credit: Sergio Sericolo and Emily Merritt '12