By Jim Eaton
Garrison Grant ’15 and his brother Hanson might make the world of scrap paper and planners obsolete with their creation of the Think Board. The portable, clear adhesive can turn any smooth surface into a dry erase board. Since returning from his study abroad experience in India, Garrison has taken over managing the flourishing project that has been featured in the USA Today.
The product has expanded already to four different sizes and includes a calendar. They have plans to offer one with a hockey rink and football gridiron for a coach too.
“My favorite part about the product is we keep coming up with new ways to use it,” Garrison said. “I have them all over my house. I have one by my bed to remember things and another on my refrigerator to serve as an eco-friendly grocery list. The Think Boards on our walls get covered in drawings and funny sayings. They become a canvas of expression for many of my friends.”
He credits his business degree at Siena in giving him the confidence and knowledge to move his idea from a thought to a product on the market.
“Dr. Cruz Bueno, my economics professor, connected me with the right people here at Siena to help bring Think Board to life,” Garrison said.
He is excited for the future of his company and confident that the product will continue to attract more attention with the continued expansion of new uses.