Do you tweet? Because Siena College is on Twitter (and so is @SienaAdmissions!) and what we love even more than dishing out content for prospective students is listening to what everyone else is tweeting about Siena.
It not only makes us happy to see, say, admitted students sharing their acceptance packages or what our various community members are up to, but it’s also helpful to know what high schoolers like you and current students—and everyone else—like and think about Siena.
That way, we can offer and highlight more of the good stuff.
Here are just a few of our favorite Siena tweets we’ve seen over the past year…
Thank you Dr. Mike Jarcho from @SienaCollege for sharing your work on #exercise and #stress at Science on Tap last night at @BrownsBrewingCo. Thanks to our attendees, too! Our next #Science on Tap will launch our #Climate Solutions Series at @AlbPumpStation on February 25th.
— CapSciNY (@CapSciNY) January 29, 2020
A group of under and post graduates from @SienaCollege came out to one of our residential homes for their MLK Day of Reflection to help us get organized! Thank you for all of your hard work! The basement looks great! #sienacollege #volunteers #giveback
— St. Catherine's Center for Children (@StCathCenter) January 27, 2020
In a moment that left them surprised, @SienaCollege students visiting the Vatican got a shoutout from Pope Francis during his blessing today in St. Peter's Square. Check out their reaction! @WTEN
— Cassie Hudson (@casshudson) January 7, 2020
(This is our head men’s basketball coach!)
It was great seeing Tay last night. Such a great ambassador for not only our basketball program but our College. He embodies what it means to be a Siena Saint. @SienaAlumni @SienaCollege @SienaAdmissions @SienaMBB #TheWorldNeedMoreSaints #TraditionNeverGraduates 🐶💚
— Carmen Maciariello (@CoachCarm) February 8, 2020
@SienaLibArts @SienaCollege thanks for the hat!! i’m going to be extra warm this winter!!
— Emma Beals (@emcorrinne) January 14, 2020
One of my seniors got into one of his top choices!! Congratulations Sean on getting accepted to @SienaCollege !!!! #studentsuccess #proudOsideTeacher
— Caitlin O'Connor (@JustTeachingELA) November 15, 2019
— Nicole Tahmoosh (@NTahmoosh) October 31, 2019
free t-shirt time🤩