
When it comes to choosing majors, there are two kinds of students. One group knows from the get go exactly what they want to study and do after they graduate. The other isn't completely sure yet—or is in between two or three fields of studyand not ready to declare a specific major. If you fall into that latter group, there’s a good chance you will be entering undecided. And if that’s case, you might be a little (okay, a lot) nervous about it. Good news! This guide is for you.

Our Admissions team put together a quick guide all about being undecided for students exactly like you. Inside, you’ll learn:

  • What it really means to be undecided or undeclared

  • Three reasons why it’s great to not choose immediately

  • What it’s like to be undecided at Siena College

There’s also a section for your parents—frequently asked questions (with answers) that our tour guides get often from Mom or Dad. Download it now for free, take a look and let us know if you want to chat about it. We’re here to help!

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