If you’re interested in Siena College but are concerned about cost, our financial aid staff wants you to know this: we’re committed to making Siena affordable and are here to help you and your family through the financial aid process. We invite you to sign up for a live video chat about making college affordable and financial aid on December 10 here.
In the meantime, here are some tips and action items for you to consider this month and next.
Get all the information you need. StudentAid.gov suggests that you encourage your parent(s) to complete their income tax forms early, so that you can provide accurate information on your federal student aid application. (If they haven’t yet, you can give estimated information for now.)
After January 1, submit your federal student aid application. At Siena College, we make it easy. We only require the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which you can submit online or on paper. Siena’s school code is 002816.
Make necessary corrections ASAP. Within three days to three weeks after submitting your FAFSA, you’ll receive your Student Aid Report (SAR). If you need to make any changes, submit them to the FAFSA processor as soon as you can.
Attend our live video chat on December 10. It bears repeating! If you haven’t already, sign up to get a reminder of our live chat about financial aid. You’ll be able to digitally send in your questions and hear more details about the whole process.
We hope to see you in attendance (virtually!) on December 10 at 7 p.m. for the live chat.