When an employer sifts through résumé after résumé of communications majors, do you think one that says "communications major with a concentration in sports and services marketing" would stand out from the rest? We do. And that's why we're excited to share that the new concentrations offered through our School of Business aren't just for business majors.
Whatever you choose to study at Siena, you'd be able to tack on a concentration (or two!) to your degree by taking a few specific courses throughout your time here. Check out a sampling of the concentrations we currently offer below, all chosen based on what's in demand in today's job market.
For the full list of 20 concentrations, click here.
Business Analytics: Learn how to transform messy data into useful information from which smart decisions can be made.
Corporate Finance: Gain a deeper understanding of budgeting, raising capital, capital structure and risk management.
Entrepreneurship: Find out how to develop a business model, market your ideas to potential investors and more.
Economic Theory and Practice: Receive an introduction to economic analysis and theory, as well as their application to current events.
International Business: Study how to effectively manage, finance, market and understand the international aspects of business.
Investment Fundamentals: Deepen your understanding of the investment aspects of finance, including debt and equity investing, portfolio management and risk.
Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing: Graduate with a a firm grounding in the essentials of integrated marketing communications strategies, including how to conduct media planning and execution.
Not-For-Profit Consulting: Focus on consulting skills, technical skills and social justice in this concentration designed for students who want to work as a consultant.
Sales and Business to Business Marketing: Perform role-playing sales exercises and analyze cases in a realistic business setting.
Sports and Services Marketing: Learn how to strategically market and brand teams, venues, athletes, sports events, health services, hospitality services, financial services and not-for-profit services.
See something that entices you? Remember to check out the full list and peruse our major, minor and certificate offerings as well. From actuarial science to theatre to sociology, there's a lot to choose from! And when you're ready...