The Naval Nuclear Laboratory develops advanced (top secret) technology for the United States Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. The lab features five primary locations, all contributing to nuclear propulsion for American submarines and aircraft carriers. Lauren Ostrander '23, will begin her career at their Niskayuna location (Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory) on July 17. But, Lauren doesn't know the first thing about submarines.
"I get confused looks when I tell people where I'll be working. Nope, I didn't suddenly become an engineer."
Lauren was offered a job in early March (and was officially hired two months later when her security clearance was granted through the Department of Energy) as an associate finance professional. The accounting major will work primarily in the funds and control sector.
Lauren learned during the interview that her work will be heavily team-based, and she leaned into her experience as a member of the Siena swim team when answering questions about group collaboration. She's also convinced her experience on different platforms, which are part of the Siena accounting curriculum, provided an edge.
Of course, day one won't feel like accounting class. For starters, she's not allowed to bring a cell phone (or any type of recording device) into work. She may not be specifically contributing to nuclear propulsion, but starting July 17, she's part of a team that is.
"I found out I got my security clearance two days after graduation. It was such amazing timing. I can't wait to get started!"