Lilliana Sanchez Adames ’20, a Bonner fellow and biology major from Latham, NY.
In three sentences, describe yourself and your journey to Siena:
While my friends were looking for a college that would get them far away from home, I was looking for a second home. Siena has all the attributes of any other college, but it feels like home. As a commuter I would have the opportunity to be close to my family and still be part of the Siena family.
What are you most looking forward to as you begin your Siena experience?
I am most excited about starting this new chapter in my life. I am sure I will face many undiscovered challenges at Siena. I hope they will help me explore new horizons and learn more about myself.
What were some of the driving factors in your decision to enroll at Siena?
Besides being close to home there was not a doubt in my mind that helping the community was something I wanted to do. I started my journey as a community leader at Shaker High School and I knew it was something I was not willing to stop doing. The Bonner Program made my college decision a no brainer. It has everything in one. I can serve the community while utilizing my education to help build a better society. So I said to myself “Siena it is!”
What classes and extracurricular activities do you have planned for this semester?
I prefer to focus on being a Bonner Fellow and a student at the same time. Until I adjust to the transition from high school to college, that may be all I can handle. But I love anything that involves dancing so maybe I'll join the dance club in the future.
What is the most important thing you brought with you to Siena? What is the most important thing you left behind?
The most important thing I brought to Siena is a positive attitude. When I tell people I am a bio major, they either make a face or say, “A lot of people start out being bio majors and change their major after a semester.” Well, I am going to have a positive attitude and I believe I can do it and I will. I believe that if you are passionate about something, then you should continue on your path and not turn around just because there are rocks in the way.
The most important thing I left or I am doing my best to leave behind is to not procrastinate as much as I did in high school. It is a bad habit that causes me stress and does not do me any good.
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