Student Life

Eileen Bohen '20, commuter student and Bonner Fellow from Colonie, NY.

In a few sentences, describe yourself and your journey to Siena:

I’m Eileen Bohen, a commuting freshman Bonner from Colonie. I don’t have a major quite yet but I’m leaning toward business and math. I knew I wanted to stay close to home and was incredibly lucky to have Siena practically in my backyard.

What are you most looking forward to as you begin your Siena experience?

I’m looking forward to working at my service site (Albany Leadership High School) and discovering all of the ways in which I can serve the local community.

What were some of the driving factors in your decision to enroll at Siena?

As aforementioned, I wanted to stay close to my hometown, and after visiting Siena, it was abundantly clear that this was the place for me. Everything hit the right notes- size, majors, programs and cost.

What classes and extracurricular activities do you have planned for this semester?

This semester I am taking introductory business classes, including “Math for Decision Making” and Economics, as well as “The Alien” as my First Year Seminar and “Experiences of the Sacred." Outside of class, I am looking forward to working at my service site as well as hanging out with new people.

What is the most important thing you brought with you to Siena? What is the most important thing you left behind?

I’d consider my motivation to be my greatest asset that I’m bringing with me to Siena because it will help me stay focused in both my studies and service. Since I’m not physically leaving home, I’ve decided to leave behind my negative thinking patterns. Overall, I’m going to try to stay as positive as possible about trying new things so that the adjustment will go as smoothly as possible.


Hometown Distant or Local – Local

Salt or Pepper - Salt

Instagram or Snapchat - Snapchat

Facebook or Twitter -  Facebook

Steak or Sushi – Sushi

Surf or Ski – Ski

Vanilla or Chocolate - Vanilla

City or Country - City

Sunrise or Sunset -  Sunrise

Comedy or Drama - Comedy

Call or Text - Call

Form or Function - Function

Sneakers or Sandals -  Sandals

Passenger or Driver -  Driver

Online or Retail - Retail

Money or Free Time -  Free time

Book or Movie - Book

Cat or Dog - Dog

Food - Mexican or Italian - Mexican

Walk or Run - Walk