Edwin Premchan '20, biochemistry major from Schenectady, NY
In a few sentences, describe yourself and your journey to Siena:
I am a very artistic and adventurous person that also likes to binge watch shows for days on end. My journey to Siena started about 3 years ago when my brother was accepted to the College. Ever since he began attending Siena I’ve had the opportunity to visit the campus and to participate in seasonal events such as Siena Fest. These experiences sparked my interest in Siena and are what drove me to send in my application.
What are you most looking forward to as you begin your Siena experience?
I am looking forward to taking one step closer to achieving my goals. I am also looking forward to meeting different people and making friends while I attend Siena. The clubs and events at Siena are also very intriguing and I cannot wait to take part in what they offer.
What were some of the driving factors in your decision to enroll at Siena?
I visited Siena many times while I was in high school so it was a familiar and friendly environment to call home for the next 4 years. Siena’s location was a big factor that drove me to apply because the campus was only 30 minutes away from my home. Another big factor that drove me to apply was the impact the College had on my brother; Siena transformed him into a well-rounded and motivated adult. I hope I will undergo the same transformation.
What classes and activities do you have planned for this semester?
The classes I am taking this upcoming fall are pre-calculus, chemistry, and psychology. I also plan on joining the Red Cross Club and the Mentorship Program.
What is the most important thing you brought with you to Siena? What is the most important thing you left behind?
The most important thing I brought with me to college this semester is a blue leopard print blanket. The blanket keeps me warm, motivated, and reminds me why I fight my daily battles for a better future with the people I love. The most important part of my life that I put on hold are the people that love me. I put my relationship with my loved ones on hold in order to pursue a career and hopefully provide a better future for everyone that I love.
Hometown: Local or Distant- Local
Salt or Pepper- Pepper
Instagram or Snapchat- Snapchat
Facebook or Twitter- Facebook
Steak or Sushi- Sushi
Surf or Ski- Surf
Vanilla or Chocolate- Vanilla
City or Country- City
Sunrise or Sunset- Sunrise
Comedy or Drama- Comedy
Call or Text- Call
Form or Function- Function
Sneakers or Sandals- Sneakers
Passenger or Driver- Driver
Online or Retail- Online
Money or Free Time- Money
Book or Movie- Movie
Cat or Dog- Dog
Food: Mexican or Italian- Italian
Walk or Run- Run