As the end of the semester draws near and final exam week begins, students find solace in the arrival of the biannual “Blessing of the Brains” event.
The Office of the College Chaplain hosts the “Blessing of the Brains” as a way to put the students’ minds at ease as they enter the final exam week. In addition to festive music from the chapel choir, each student is given a blessing from one of the Siena friars. The blessing, “May God bless you and open your mind with wisdom and understanding,” is said to each student as the friars places their hands above the student's head.
College Chaplain Fr. Larry Anderson, O.F.M., reflected to those gathered on his own experiences with stress and advised the students to not allow their anxiety to have the upper hand.
“Friends, life is not easy and we should not expect it to be. If you want to be a musician, you need to work at it. It takes devotion, commitment and time. To be an athlete is not easy. It takes practice, sweat and discipline. To be a good student takes effort, dedication and hours of studying… I have found that in difficult and challenging times, that’s when growth takes place.”
The celebration ended in traditional fashion with a late night breakfast of bagels and bacon before students returned to their studies. Prior to the feast, Fr. Larry provided one last piece of advice.
“Life is difficult but remember this: you are not alone. You are never alone because God always has your back.”