Condé Nast Traveler magazine recently named Siena one of “The 50 Most Beautiful College Campuses in America."
All Saints would most likely agree that our campus is lovely – the sun glinting off the gold dome of Siena Hall, the oaks and maples shading the quad, the nature trail to the townhouses, and original 1930s architecture situated alongside modern designs.
Condé Nast Traveler agrees. Traveler ranked Siena with Colgate, Amherst, Georgetown and other institutions of higher learning for their readers to check out as tourists or potential students.
“It’s true that some of the most beautiful views in the country come from the tops of ivory towers,” the article reads. “Across America, college campuses big and small boast some of the most beautiful architecture and landscaping—not to mention history—in the entire country.”
“Our campus is a tremendous benefit Siena enjoys as we work to welcome new students. First impressions are deep and meaningful. The beauty of our campus impresses at first glance, whether during an in-person visit or through the photography and video in our marketing material.”
Ned Jones, vice president for enrollment and marketing
“Facilities Management, especially our dedicated, hard-working grounds crew, is always striving to keep our campus looking sharp and to actively promote ways to enhance its appearance. We are proud of having been identified as a “top 50” campus in the U.S. and the credit goes to a broad spectrum of folks, including the crew, our campus benefactors, our high-quality consultants, our skilled contractors and the leadership of the College.”
Mark Frost, assistant vice president for facilities management