You're gearing up for your next big life change—college! And while we're sure you're really excited about it, you might be looking for some advice on what lies ahead from the people who were in your shoes not too long ago. Here's what current freshmen from the Class of 2018 think you should know.
"Get out there. Join at least one club or do one event that puts you out of your comfort zone. You may enjoy something that you never thought you would be into. College is a growing experience" - Victoria Herkalo
"Act like yourself when you go to college. Don't be afraid to be who you are because chances are, there are people just like you! You find your best friends and future roommates by acting like a complete fool and dancing around the halls." - Samantha Urbino
"Throw yourself into everything. Do what you like and try new things." - Jaice Stinton
"Have fun, but be responsible. School is priority, but your enjoyment should be a close second!" - Frank Mosher
"Spend some time evaluating where you are in your life in your last few months of high school. Take time to consider colleges, visit, but don't stress, and certainly don't forget about your work while you're at it—that'll just make you stress more. Finding a good balance between college searching and doing work will help you once you actually reach the college setting." - Bryan Niebanck
"Be prepared to stay up late and study to achieve the best grades you can get." - Travis Pyka
"Change can be scary, but the only thing that's worth being afraid of in college is figuring out how long you can go until your next trip to get snacks." - Ashley Letteri
(...No snacks? Scary thought!) Now, you heard their advice—put yourself out there. Strike up a conversation in our Class of 2019 group.