I feel it necessary to reach out and acknowledge the events of recent days since the death of George Floyd. Watching this horrific video sadly reminds us, once again, how embedded racism is in our society, despite our wishing that we have moved forward.
As a white woman with privileges I obtained in an accident of birth, I struggle to say something of meaning. Words are difficult when we witness the unspeakable. But we must speak, individually and collectively, raising our voices in solidarity with the black community. We must also listen, with respect and empathy, with our minds and our hearts open. The Franciscan model is to stand with the vulnerable in our world. So I also encourage us all to go one step further. As we advocate for change to unequal and unjust systems, we must match our words to actions. We must be agents of change in our communities, including our Siena community, both now and when we return to campus.
The pandemic has changed us. The death of George Floyd has now shaken us to our spiritual core. How we respond in this moment will say much about the kind of people we want to be, and the kind of society we are willing to live in, going forward.
On Monday evening, Interim President Dr. Maggie Madden sent a community-wide letter emphasizing the College’s support for every member of our community. As Vice President for Student Life, I want you to know that all of us in Student Life are here for you in these challenging times and every day going forward. We support you, and we welcome hearing from you.
Dr. Maryellen Gilroy
Vice President for Student Life