
The Siena MBA has arrived, and our AACSB-accredited School of Business could not be more excited to show the community what’s in store for our new program. For starters, in addition to inviting ambitious, capable grad students to apply for a full-time or part-time capacity, we’re also giving Siena freshmen the chance to earn their bachelor’s and MBA in four years.

So the question you may have is, are MBAs still as respected as they used be? A resounding yes. Earning your MBA can put you ahead of the game in today’s cutthroat job market. And with Siena’s approach, you’ll learn to be a compassionate, ethical leader the world desperately needs and employers are looking for. But don’t take it from us. Here are a few of the reasons others say earning an MBA is a smart decision. 

Hiring of MBA candidates is on the up and up.

In 2017, 79 percent of employers surveyed expected to hire an MBA grad. Compare that to 2016, when that number was 10 percentage points lower. As the job market expands, so does the demand for MBAs. Leaving college with a B.S. and your master’s could rocket you to the top of the application pile. 

Many students see a pay increase. 

You’ll likely make more than if you didn’t have your MBA. According to a comprehensive research study of alumni post-MBA, starting pay can be as high as 50 percent more than your MBA-less peers. That can increase as much as 80% five years after graduating. 

You’ll have more and better career options.

That same survey found that MBA grads had access to higher-level jobs at bigger and more prestigious companies. When survey respondents were asked, “If you had it to do over again, would you still go for an MBA degree?,” 94% said yes. 

You’ll have serious credentials. 

Twenty years of business experience will impart its own wisdom, but what you’ll learn as you earn your MBA will give you an incredible amount of authority in the business space. And just wait until you’ve got 20 years under your belt on top of an MBA. You’ll be unstoppable.

The networking opportunities are priceless. 

As you study for your MBA, you’re going to meet a lot of people—your professors, speakers, like-minded ambitious peers, employers. This aspect of getting your MBA is almost as valuable as what you’ll learn in your studies. According to a piece in Wired, "The degree is important, no doubt, but success is also rooted in how students capitalize on the opportunities during their MBA studies that can make the difference. … Specifically, the student's ability to network efficiently with the right people, in and out of the classroom."

So what makes the Siena MBA the one you should go? Sign up to receive details about our new program now—and, potentially, be one of the first students in the inaugural class.