With a new year comes resolutions, and with resolutions comes…well, the breaking of resolutions. (We can’t stay away from sweets either.) But there are some resolutions that are worth keeping, especially for soon-to-be high school graduates. That’s why we put together this list of changes to make and goals to keep in 2015 that will not only make you a more appealing candidate for college admissions offices, but a better student all around.
Find a mentor. Graduating from high school is just the beginning of your professional journey. Find a mentor, if not a few mentors, that you can trust to have your best interest in mind down the road. Have a passion for English? See if you can spend a few free periods with your favorite English teacher. Mentors serve as great resources when advice (or a college recommendation letter) is needed.
Clean up your social presence. A recent study by Kaplan Test Prep showed that over 35 percent of college admissions officers have checked out an applicant’s social media accounts to learn more about them. Only three percent of high school students thought their social networks might hurt their chances of acceptance, but it’s still not a bad idea to make yours a little more admissions-friendly. Comb your Facebook page, Twitter stream and so on and delete anything you’re not proud of. (FYI: TweetDeleter allows users to select and delete tweets based on date, type or keyword—so go ahead and delete those containing expletives!)
Volunteer. Once you’ve spruced up your personal accounts, think about joining GiveGab, the social network for volunteers. Search for volunteer opportunities based on your skills, interests and the causes that matter to you. Our favorite part? You can track your work, show off your impact and encourage your friends to join in. Want more volunteering ideas? Here are six more ways for you to give back.
Create (and share) something. Start a blog on your favorite sports team. Paint a portrait for your town’s art exhibit. Knit scarves to sell at a local craft fair. Whatever it is, enrich your skill set by conceptualizing and producing a project that is then available for others to see and appreciate. You’ll feel good about carrying out a project all the way through, and have something unique to talk up in college and job interviews.
Read more. A 2014 survey by Statistic Brain found that 33 percent of high school graduates won’t read another book after high school. Break the pattern! Keep your cognitive thinking and vocabulary sharp by picking up a few more books this year, besides those assigned by your teachers. It can only benefit you, and will help you establish the habit for college and beyond.
And our final suggestion for a new years resolution? Complete your college applications! Siena’s regular admissions applications are due by February 15.