
Small or large? Private or public? Liberal arts or solely pre-professional? With so many different options to wade through, sifting through applications (or acceptance letters) is one process that definitely requires a mix of gut instinct and facts. The latter is where our new (free!) infographic can help. 

When it comes to small, private, liberal arts colleges, there are ten benefits you can expect if that's the kind of school you ultimately enroll in; advantages that you may not necessarily get elsewhere.

To learn those ten benefits, download our complimentary infographic now. You'll find out:

> When you can start participating in research at private schools vs. public schools

> Why small classes are so beneficial 

> Four liberal arts skills today's employers strongly value

> Which options often result in additional tuition costs

And yes, Siena falls into all three categories—small, private and liberal arts—but we used our knowledge as higher education specialists, along with information gleaned from surveys and studies, to come up with these very common benefits.

Download it now, and good luck to you, no matter where you choose to pursue your undergraduate degree. 

Get the infographic