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If there's one thing we love about life in the Northeast, it’s the four seasons. Which means after an oftentime long winter — summer is a highly cherished time of the year for our Saints.

Check out these six reasons why we love this time of year in Upstate New York:

Summer @ Siena

Just because it's summer doesn't mean our Saints stop working. Through Siena's Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (CURCA), each summer dozens of our Summer Scholars design, explore, analyze, and evaluate their own original research. Students also get ahead or get caught up, and save money at the same time with our reduced summer course tuition rates.

Diving into a Good Read

Because moisture and warmth are crucial to thunderstorms, it makes sense that they would occur more often in the summer. When outdoor activities are cancelled it's the perfect time to dive into a good book. Check out some of our recent FYS Summer Reading books below. 

Saints on Tour

Summer isn't complete without hosting future Saints on tour. Whether they are prospective students looking to apply, or incoming freshman and transfer students, our visitors love seeing campus in the sunshine. Sign up today for our one of our Summer Tours!