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When they come to Siena, our Saints have got a lot of ideas about what they want to accomplish in their four years. 

 Discover Major

 Get an On-Campus Job or an Internship Experience

 Study Abroad

 Do Research

 Eat Lots of Chicken Nuggets

Even after they've checked off the big items on their list, they still have a lot to do! Check out some of the popular items on our Saints' Bucket List:

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Volunteer on a Service Trip

Picture yourself feeding the hungry in Philadelphia, painting an elementary school in Jamaica, or installing solar panels in Puerto Rico. Rooted deep in Siena's mission, many of our Saints make service-whether at home or abroad-a priority. 

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Take a class outside of your major

With 39 majors and 80+ minors, certificates and concentrations to choose from, our students are bound for exploration. An English major with a passion for international business? A biology major with an interest in sports marketing? No matter their majors, Saints love to explore courses outside of their degree.

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Get Your Brain Blessed

Twice a year, our Saints get their B's to get their A's. Bacon, bananas and bagels are on the menu, but the night's main event is the blessing. “Blessing of the Brains," is Siena's way to put the students’ minds at ease as they enter the final exam week with a little help from our Friars.

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Take a look at the galaxy at our Breyo Observatory

Saints have long loved our astronomy courses but now they can take their passion a step further. Students, faculty, staff, and the local community can now study the heavens through the Capital Region's largest telescope right on Siena's campus. 

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See Yourself on the Jumbotron at the Times Union Center

The atmosphere at the Times Union Center for a big basketball game is like no other. The Dog Pound is the place to be—and if you're decked out in green and gold you may spot yourself on the arena's jumbotron!

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Play on an intramural team

On top of our Division I teams, Siena also offers a popular intramural program. Grab your friends and your sneakers and get in the game before graduation!

Want to learn more about what it means to be a Saint?