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*last updated April 10, 2023

Isolation and quarantine guidance may change throughout the year. The College will follow current Department of Health regulations and update the Marching Forward plan as policies evolve.


Students should report a positive test result to Health Services at health@siena.edu or call 518-783-2554. Outside of normal business hours, students may report a positive test result to Public Safety at 518-783-2376 or publicsafety@siena.edu. Employees, meanwhile, should contact Cynthia King-LeRoy, Asst. VP of Human Resources, at kingleroy@siena.edu should they test positive for COVID. 

Any community member who tests positive for COVID will be required to isolate at home for at least five days, where day zero is the day of symptom onset or, if asymptomatic, the day of the positive test. If isolating at home is not possible, the Office of Student Life will work with students on a case-by-case basis to secure a location to complete their isolation off campus at their own expense. 

Isolation ends after five full days if fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and other symptoms have improved. If a fever persists or your other symptoms have not improved, continue to isolate until the fever has resolved for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms are improving. If symptoms recur or worsen, restart your isolation day at 0. If you had a severe illness, have a weakened immune system, or have questions about your symptoms, consult a doctor before ending isolation. 

If ending isolation after day five is possible, a well-fitting mask must be worn around others for five additional days (day six through 10). With two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart, masking may end prior to day 10. 

Siena is no longer overseeing individual students’ isolation. Instead, and in accordance with CDC guidance, the College expects students who test positive to manage their own isolation period and contact Health Services and/or the Ops team with questions or concerns. 

Close Contacts

Anyone who tests positives for COVID should notify close contacts of their exposure as soon as possible. A close contact is considered anyone who came within six feet of a positive individual for more than 10 minutes within a 24-hour period, regardless of masking. 


Consistent with current CDC guidance, quarantine is no longer required regardless of vaccination status. However, any person who comes in close contact with an individual who tests positive for COVID should wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days from the date of exposure and test at least five days after contact. If the close contact develops symptoms or tests positive, they should immediately begin isolation.