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Current Campus Status |
The Siena College COVID-19 Dashboard displays information related to community testing, quarantine, and isolation. Siena is committed to transparency and immediacy when it comes to the health and well-being of the College community. The Dashboard will refresh every 24 hours, and - with respect for confidentiality - will report aggregate data concerning students, faculty, and staff.
Testing Data |
The Spring Dashboard tracks daily COVID-19 activity throughout the Spring Semester. The cumulative data is an aggregate of testing and positive cases beginning on February 22. The current status presents a rolling snapshot.
The College conducts mandatory weekly student and employee surveillance testing of at least 10 percent to monitor the overall health of the campus and to ascertain the presence of the COVID-19 virus.
Siena Vaccination Challenge |
Wastewater Testing |
All students and employees were required to produce a negative test result within two weeks of the spring semester start date. Residential students were tested again upon arrival and commuter students were asked to produce a second negative result. The robust re-entry testing program, conducted between semesters, is not reflected on the Spring Dashboard.