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Why aren’t all freshmen receiving the same amount of funding from the American Rescue Plan?
All first-year students will be receiving a check, with amounts varying depending on financial need. If you believe you qualify for a federal Pell grant but are only expecting to receive $1,000, please contact the College’s Financial Aid office.
What can I do with the check?
You may apply those funds to any educational expense that you wish such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), and child care.
Have returning students been provided additional financial assistance as well?
To date, Siena has provided approximately $2.6 million in federal emergency relief funds to students. If you’ve had a change in your financial circumstances related to the pandemic, please contact the Financial Aid office.
When will I receive my check?
Checks for all first-year students will be mailed in early August. International students will be able to collect their checks when they arrive on campus.
Instead of writing me a check, can Siena apply the amount directly to my balance?
No. Once you receive the funds, you may decide how you would like to apply the money toward your educational expenses.
Other resources for the student/family:
Business Services office (student accounts): 518-783-2317; studentaccounts@siena.edu
Financial Aid office (checks): 518-783-2427, aid@siena.edu
Student Academic Success and Engagement (Siena 101): 518-783-2341; studentsuccess@siena.edu
Student Activities and Leadership Development (Enhanced Orientation): 518-783-2330; activities@siena.edu