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WE <3 our saints

Dear Saints,

Our hearts go out to each and every one of you. We know that right now, you’re dealing with a whole host of emotions. While nothing we say can change the current course of events, we do want to try to give you some peace, some hope, and some assurance.

What’s the one word that all Saints use to describe Siena? Community. And now more than ever, community is what we need. Take comfort knowing that no matter what—despite our distance—the bonds between Saints cannot be broken. Siena is far more than the collection of buildings that make up this beautiful campus.

While we didn’t expect the semester to take this kind of turn, we’re already working hard to make sure your virtual experience is smooth and enjoyable. In the meantime know that we miss you all. We care about you. And we’re thinking of you. 

In these unsettling times, one thing is for sure: Our community is no less strong because it’s temporarily virtual. We’re in this together, we’ll get through this together, and we’ll find a way to celebrate at the end of this unfortunate disruption, together.


Siena College

We <3 our faculty & staff

From supporting student research in the classroom to conquering the world of virtual learning, Siena's faculty and staff are always there for our students. 

"Hey fellow Saints, thinking about you guys, miss you, miss that great energy on campus. Miss just seeing your faces. We can't wait for you guys to come back. Remember, stay safe, be mindful, be compassionate. Do what we do. Do what Saints do. Stay the course. Can't wait to see you back on campus. Go Saints." - Carmen Maciariello '01, Men's Basketball Coach


"Hi Siena family, and all of our nursing students. We are here for you. We are a phone call or a Zoom away. Anything you need, please let us know!" - Dr. Lisa Flack, Director of  Nursing 


"Just wanted to let you guys know we have your backs. Keep smiling. We are all getting through this together." - Dr. Russell Zwanka, Assistant Professor of Marketing


"I wanted to say how much I miss being with you on campus. These are strange and unprecedented times. I'm scared too, but we have a really strong community. Being part of the Siena community means we will get through this together." - Dr. Jami Cotler, Assistant Professor of Computer Science