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100+ Clubs and Growing

Clubs and organizations from soccer to quidditch to hip-hop. There's no benchwarmers here because there is something for everyone! The club fair during the first week of classes is the perfect way to check them out and start getting involved. Don’t see a club with a focus you’re looking for? Saints are starting new clubs all the time!

Lots to Do and Love

“My friends and I never have a hard time finding something to do on campus, whether we're going to Starbucks to get a coffee or sitting out on the Quad on a warm day. But the one event we look forward to all year is Siena Fest! It truly shows what Siena is all about.” Abigail August '19

When you imagine college, academics certainly aren’t the only thing that comes to mind. For details on the food, the clubs, athletics, service opportunities and more, you’re in the right place. Life here is fulfilling and a lot of fun. Like we say, every day, it’s a good day to be a Saint. 

See for yourself what it means to be a Saint.