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Degree Program University
Ph.D. Chemistry and Biochemistry Cornell University
M.S. Chemistry and Biochemistry Cornell University
B.S. Chemistry Temple University

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2012 - Now Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Siena College
2010 - 2012 Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Siena College
2002 - 2010 Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Vermont
1999 - 2002 Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Current Research

Synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon architectures, including graphene ribbons, single-walled carbon nanobelts, substituted acenes.  Synthesis and supramolecular chemistry of phenylene macrocycles.  Development of novel cycloaromatization reactions.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Biphenyl and Terphenyl Arylene-​Ethynylene Macrocycles
    Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 79
  • Arylene Imine Macrocycles of C3h and C3 Symmetry from Reductive Imination of Nitroformylarenes (Organic Letters)
    Organic Letters
  • Predicting the UV-VIS Spectra of Tetraarylcyclopentadienones: Using DFT Molecular Orbital Energies to Model Electronic Transitions (Journal of Organic Chemistry)
    Journal of Organic Chemistry
  • A Facile, One-Pot Procedure for Forming Diarylimines from Nitroarenes and Benzaldehydes (Synlett)
  • Hydrocarbon links in an octet truss (Journal of Mathematical Chemistry)
    Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
  • Synthesis of Heterosubstituted Hexaarylbenzenes via Asymmetric Carbonylative Couplings of Benzyl Halides (Organic Letters)
    Organic Letters
  • Synthesis of poly(para-phenylene)(2-isocyano-2-tosylpropane-1,3-diyl), poly(para-phenylene)(2-oxopropane-1,3-diyl) and oligo(cyclopentadienones) via carbonylative coupling of ±,±'-dibromoxylene
    Chem. Commun.
  • Mechanistic Studies on the Cyclization of (Z)-1,2,4-Heptatrien-6-yne in Methanol: a Possible Non-Adiabatic Thermal Reaction
    Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • Foldamers as Dynamic Receptors: Probing the Mechanism of Molecular Association between Helical Oligomers and Rodlike Ligands (Angewandte Chemie, International Edition)
    Angewandte Chemie, International Edition
  • A Field guide to Foldamers (Chemical Reviews)
    Chemical Reviews
  • Parallel mechanisms for the cycloaromatization of enyne allene (Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions I)
    Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2
  • Synthesis and Characterization of Oligocyclosiloxanes via the Hydrosilation of Vinylsilanes and Vinylsiloxanes with Heptamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry)
    Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry


  • Aggregation and photophysics of cyclooligo(3,​3'-​para-​terphenylene ethynylene) and cyclooligo(3,​3'-​biphenylene ethynylene) armchair carbon nanobelt precursors
    252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Mechanistic pathways to PAHs: Novel cycloaromatization of ortho-​benzoyl enediynes to give benzo[a]​fluoren-​11-​ones via exo-​cyclizations at low temperatures
    252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • ORGN 151: Synthesis of a C3 symmetric cyclooligo(3,3'-para-terphenylene ethynylene) as a precursor of a [9,9] armchair carbon nanobelt
    August, 2015
    250th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts
  • ORGN 188: Mechanistic studies of a novel low-temperature cycloaromatization of o-benzoyl enediynes
    August, 2015
    250th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Molecular origami: Experimental and theoretical investigation of Diels-Alder cycloadditions of ethyne moieties in cyclooligo(phenylene ethynylene)s to give cyclooligo(p-phenylene)s
    April, 2015
    Eastern New York ACS Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Loudonville, New York
  • Molecular origami: Experimental and theoretical investigation of Diels-Alder cycloadditions of ethyne moieties in cyclooligo(phenylene ethynylene)s to give cyclooligo(p-phenylene)s
    August, 2014
    248 American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Fransisco, California
  • Molecular origami: Folding phenylene ethynylene macrocycles into nanotube segments via cycloadditions
    September, 2013
    246th American Chemical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Synthesis of Shape-Persistent Phenylene Ethynylene Macrocycles as Precursors of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
    September, 2013
    Upstate NY Undergraduate Research Conference, Canton, New York
  • Synthesis and supramolecular aggregation of a C3 symmetric terphenylene ethynylene macrocycle: Toward carbon nanotubes via molecular origami
    April, 2013
    Eastern New York Section of the American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Loudonville, New York
  • Synthesis and supramolecular aggregation of a C3 symmetric terphenylene ethynylene macrocycle: Toward carbon nanotubes via molecular origami
    April, 2013
    SUNY Adirondack Research Symposium, Queensbury, New York
  • Low temperature copper-catalyzed formal Bergman cycloaromatizations of bis(2-arylethynyl)benzenes
    243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California
  • Synthesis of cyclotri(3,3'-para-terphenyldiyl ethynylene), a novel shape-persistant macrocyclic carbon-single wall nanotube precursor
    243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California
  • Synthesis of cyclotri(3,3'-para-terphenyldiyl ethynylene), a novel shape-persistant macrocyclic carbon-single wall nanotube precursor
    Eastern New York Section of the American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Loudonville, New York
  • Photophysics and Aggregation Behavior of Alkyl-substituted Phenylene Ethynylene Macrocycles
    Eastern New York Section of the American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Loudonville, New York
  • Synthesis of cyclotri(3,3'-para-terphenyldiyl ethynylene), a novel shape-persistent macrocyclic carbon single-wall nanotube precursor
    Skidmore College Undergraduate Research Symposium, Saratoga Springs, New York
  • Departmental Seminar
    Colby College, Waterville, Maine
  • Carbon nanotube segments via elaboration of planar phenylene macrocycles
    236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Novel Substituted Pentacenequinones and Pentacenes Via Cava Reactions
    Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, South Burlington, Vermont
  • Substituted Phenylene Ethynylene Macrocycles: Precursors of Carbon Nanotubes
    Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, South Burlington, Vermont
  • Synthesis of phenylene-ethynylene and phenylene-imine macrocycles: Precursors for organic nanotubes
    236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Measurement and calculation of optical transitions in substituted tetraarylcyclopentadienones
    234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Novel copper-mediated cycloaromatization of electron-poor diarylethynylbenzenes to form benzo[a]fluoren-11-ones
    234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Synthesis and photophysics of a terphenylene-ethynylene macrocycle
    234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Aggregation and Host-Guest chemistry of arylene-imine macrocycles
    232nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Fransisco, California
  • Efficient synthesis of an ortho-phenylene-para-phenylene-imine macrocycle' Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 230: 451-ORGN, Washington
    230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Synthesis of Heterofunctionalized Hexaarylbenzenes
    Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Fairfield, Connecticut