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a picture of Suvarna Cherukuri

a picture of Suvarna Cherukuri Suvarna Cherukuri

Professor of Sociology

Suvarna Cherukuri, Professor of Sociology, earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from Kansas State University and her MBA from the University at Albany (State University of New York). Her teaching and scholarship focus on the intersectionality of sociology, law, gender, and criminology.

Degree Program University
M.B.A. University at Albany
Ph.D. Sociology Kansas State University
M.A. Sociology University of Hyderabad

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

I try to impart theoretical grounding, methodological skills, and critical social sensitivities to students as they engage in the process of social inquiry. I see my classroom as a place to inspire sociological imagination and intellectual inquisitiveness.

What I Love About Siena

Siena offers immense opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and research. Its quest for social justice and diversity makes Siena an ideal place to teach Sociology.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

SOCI 101: Sociological Perspectives
SOCI 120: Global Social Problems
SOCI 230: Gender, Power, and Society
SOCI 295: Sociology of Law
SOCI 310: Criminology

My Professional Experience

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Sociological Conception of Corruption.
    India Review
  • Global Perspectives on Backlash Against Women
    The Encyclopedia of Women and Crime
  • Women Accused of Homicide: The Impact of Race, Relationship to Victim, and Prior Physical Abuse
    Advances in Applied Sociology
  • Domestic Violence in India:  Insights from the 2005-2006 National Family Health Survey
    Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 28
  • Students' Selection, Participation and Performance in Undergraduate Math Courses: Direct and Indirect Influences
    International Journal of Education Research, vol. 4
  • Understanding Global Information Technology and Outsourcing Dynamics: A Multi-Lens Model
    Handbook of Research on Global Information Technology
  • Between Life and Death: Women in an Indian State Prison.
    Feminist Criminology, vol. 4
    Fall, 2009

Books & Book Chapters

  • Women in Prison: An Insight into Captivity and Crime
    Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd.