Back to Faculty Directory
Degree Program University
Ph.D. Marketing University of Michigan
M.B.A. Koc University, Graduate School of Business
B.B.A. Bogazici University

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2019 - Now Assistant Professor of Marketing Siena College
2017 - 2019 Visting Scholar Cornell University
2011 - 2019 Assistant Professor of Marketing Ozyegin University
2005 - 2011 Research Assistant, Lecturer University of Michigan
2001 - 2002 Product Manager Banvit A.S.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Are crowdsourcing announcements signals of customer orientation? A comparison of consumer responses to product- versus communication-related campaigns
    European Journal Of Marketing
    May, 2023
  • An Investigation of Consumers' Perceptions of Healthy Convenience Meals: RTC Meal-Kits vs. RTE Pre-packaged Meals
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, vol. 33
    August, 2022
  • Impact of Negative Emotions on Consumers' Food Texture Preferences
    Marketing Congress in Turkey
    June, 2022
  • Food Experience Design to Prevent Unintended Consequences and Improve Wellbeing
    Journal of Service Research, vol. 25
    February, 2022
  • Systematic and Ethical Approach to Food Experience Design
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference
  • Conceptual Introduction to Food Experience Design Thinking (FEDT): Contributions to Well-being, Marketing, and Policy
    Marketing and Public Policy Conference, vol. 30
    May, 2020
  • In the Pursuit of Healthy Food Consumption: Consumers` Strategies of Control
    European Marketing Association Conference
  • Self-Producer`s Journey: Identity Construction and Transformation in Self-Production
    Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 46
    October, 2018
  • Crowdsourcing Campaign Advertisements: Creating Products Versus Slogans
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, vol. 29
    August, 2018
  • When Dishonesty Makes Us Apart or Close: A Reflection on Consumer-Brand Relatioship
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, vol. 29
    August, 2018
  • Exploring Perception and Acceptance of Edible Insects as a Protein Source
    The FASEB Journal, vol. 32
    April, 2018
  • The Assessment of Cognitive Food Consumption Experience
    The FASEB Journal, vol. 32
    April, 2018
  • Online versus Traditional: A Comparison of Consumers` Perceptions of YouTube and TV Ads
    Journal of Marketing and Market Research, vol. 21
    January, 2018
  • Catching the Health Wagon: Consumers' Strategies of Control in Healthy Food Consumption
    Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 45
    October, 2017
  • An Investigation of Home-Cooking From a Consumer Motivation Perspective
    Journal of Marketing and Market Research, vol. 9
    July, 2016
  • A Conceptual and Empirical Investigation of Regulatory Focus Scales
    Journal of Consumer and Consumption Research, vol. 8
    June, 2016
  • A Theoretical Framework for Maker Culture: Negotiation of Prosumption at the Individual and Cultural Spheres within the Context of Food
    European Marketing Association Conference
  • Consumer Response to Different Types of Empowerment Campaign Announcements
    Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Consumer Participation in the Design and Realization Stages of Production: How Self-Production Shapes Consumer Evaluations and Relationship to Products
    International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 31
    December, 2014
  • Consumer Response to Product Construction: The Role of Haptic Stimulation
    International Journal of Consumer Studies, vol. 38
    July, 2014
  • Make it Your Own: How Process Valence and Self-Construal Affect Evaluation of Self-Made Products
    Psychology & Marketing, vol. 31
    June, 2014
  • When Does Customer Empowerment Make a Difference? An Exploration of Consumer Response to Different Types of Empowerment Campaign Announcements
    European Marketing Association Conference
  • How Participation in Different Stages of Self-Production Differentially Influence Consumers` Evaluation of, and Relationship with, Self-Made Products
    Association for Consumer Research European Conference
  • The Dynamics of Groupon: Repeat Purchase and Word-of-Mouth After the Deep Discount
    European Marketing Association Conference
  • The Involvement Construct and Validity of Three Involvement Scales in Turkish: Consumer Involvement, Enduring Involvement, and Purchase Decision Involvement
    The Journal of Economics, Business and Finance, vol. 28
  • Investment of Self Into Products
    Association for Consumer Research European Conference
  • Investment of Self through Process Involvement
    Association for Consumer Research Conference
  • How I Feel is More Important than How You Feel: The Role of Process and Outcome Emotions on Object Evaluation
    Association for Consumer Research Conference

Books & Book Chapters

  • Handbook of Eating Behavior Scales (in preparation)

  • Design Thinking for Food Well-Being: The Art of Designing Innovative Food Experiences


  • Impact of Negative Emotions on Consumers' Food Texture Preferences
    European Marketing Association Conference, Odense, Denmark
  • Exploring Consumers' Perceptions of Healthy Convenience Meals: RTC Meal-Kits vs. RTE Pre-packaged Meals
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, Chicago, Virtual
  • Systematic and Ethical Approach to Food Experience Design
    August, 2021
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, Online, Virtual
  • Conceptual Introduction to Food Experience Design Thinking (FEDT): Contributions to Well-Being, Marketing, and Policy
    May, 2020
    Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Marina Del Rey, CA, United States of America
  • In the Pursuit of Healthy Food Consumption: Consumers` Strategies of Control
    February, 2020
    European Marketing Association Conference, Budapest, Hungary
  • Consumers` Perceptions of Weight Loss Food Programs
    March, 2019
    Society for Consumer Psychology, Savannah, Georgia
  • Self-Producer`s Journey: Identity Construction and Transformation in Self-Production
    Qualitative Paper Development Workshop in Management & Marketing, Eskisehir, Turkey
  • Crowdsourcing Campaign Advertisements: Creating Products Versus Slogans
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Exploring Perception and Acceptance of Edible Insects as a Protein Source
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
  • When Dishonesty Makes Us Apart or Close: A Reflection on Consumer-Brand Relationship
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
  • A Conceptual Framework for Prosumer Culture: Investigation of Food Prosumption at the Individual and Cultural Levels
    October, 2017
    PPAD Marketing Congress, Trabzon, Turkey
  • An Investigation of Home-Cooking From a Consumer Motivation Perspective
    October, 2016
    PPAD Marketing Congress, Kutahya, Turkey
  • The Effect of Service Satisfaction, Reputation, Distance and Discount on Repurchase and Word-Of-Mouth: An Experimental Study
    October, 2016
    PPAD Marketing Congress, Kutahya, Turkey
  • A Theoretical Framework for Maker Culture: Negotation of Prosumption at the Individual and Cultural Spheres within the Context of Food
    European Marketing Association Conference, Oslo, Norway
  • Consumer response to different types of empowerment campaign announcements
    Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, Hong Kong, China- Hong Kong
  • When Does Customer Empowerment Make a Difference? An Exploration of Consumer Response to Different Types of Empowerment Campaign Announcements
    European Marketing Association Conference, Valencia, Spain
  • How and why participation of consumers in the production process affects product evaluation and relationship with products
    Association for Consumer Research European Conference, Barcelona, Spain
  • How and why participation of consumers in the production process affects product evaluation and relationship with products
    Marketing Science Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Investment of self into products through process involvement
    Culture, Mind, and the Brain (CCMB) Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan