Back to Faculty Directory
Degree Program University
Ph.D. Finance Southern Illinois University Carbondale
M.S. Economics Central University of Finance and Economics
B.S. International business Xi'An Jiaotong University (C9 League University in China)

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2022 - Now Associate Professor of Finance Siena College
2018 - 2022 Assistant Professor of Finance Siena College
2010 - 2014 Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Finance Central University of Finance and Economics
2008 - 2009 Assistant Professor of Finance Central University of Finance and Economics
2006 - 2008 Assistant Professor of Finance Siena College
2004 - 2006 Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance Illinois College
1997 - 2000 Financial Analyst Sinochem Co. (Fortune 500 Company)

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Do firms adjust board gender diversity in response to economic policy uncertainty?
    Accounting Research Journal, vol. 35
    April, 2022
  • Do ADR Firms Have Different Dividend Policies Than U.S. Firms? A Comparative Study
    International Journal of Financial Studies, vol. 10
    February, 2022
  • Corruption and anti-corruption in China: a review and future research agenda
    Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, vol. 36
    May, 2021
  • The effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on shareholder value: evidence from the 9/11 terrorist attack
    Accounting Research Journal, vol. 34
    December, 2020
  • How Do Independent Directors View Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
    Financial Review, vol. 55
    November, 2020
  • Using geographic density of firms to identify the effect of board size on firm value and corporate policies
    Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, vol. 49
    February, 2020
  • How do powerful CEOs view dividends and stock repurchases? Evidence from the CEO pay slice (CPS)
    International Review Of Economics & Finance, vol. 58
    November, 2018
  • Does Board Independence Substitute for External Audit quality? Evidence from an Exogenous Regulatory Shock
    Australian Journal of Management, vol. 43
    January, 2018
  • Exploring the effect of religious piety on corporate governance: Evidence from anti-takeover defenses and historical religious identification
    Journal Of Business Ethics, vol. 141
    March, 2017
  • Liquidity, Ownership Concentration, and Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Evidence from Thailand
    Global Finance Journal, vol. 31
    November, 2016
  • Managerial Talent and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): How do Talented Managers View Corporate Social Responsibility
    International Review Of Finance, vol. 16
    June, 2016
  • A Comparative Study of Chinese SOE Firm's Boards and Private Firm's Boards
    Annals of Economics and Finance, vol. 16
    November, 2015
  • Does Corporate Governance Influence Corporate Risk-taking? Evidence from the Institutional Shareholders Services (ISS)
    Finance Research Letters, vol. 13
    May, 2015
  • Estimating the Effect of Entrenched Boards on Firm Value Using Geographic Identification
    Finance Research Letters, vol. 12
    February, 2015
  • An Empirical Study on the Performance of M&A of Listed Central Government-owned Enterprises
    Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics
  • Does Religious Piety Inspire Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? Evidence from Historical Religious Identification
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 21
  • Empirical Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Interest Rate of China Urban Investment Bond
    Public Finance Research
  • How the Valuation of the Parent Company Affected the Excess Earnings during the Spin-Off Announcement
    Modern Economic Research
  • On Risk Control and Improvement Countermeasures of Local Government Debt Budget Management (in Chinese)
    Economic Perspectives
  • A comparison of Chinese state-owned enterprise firm's boards and private firm's boards.
    Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, Chicago, USA, 2013.
  • A comparison of Chinese state-owned enterprise firm's boards and private firm's boards.
    The Asian Business and Management Conference, Japan, 2013.
  • A comparison of Chinese state-owned enterprise firm's boards and private firm's boards
    The 23rd International Business Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia
  • Do Private Firms Outperform SOE Firms after Going Public in China Given Their Different Governance Characteristics
    Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, vol. 15
  • Abnormal Returns and In-house Mergers and Acquisitions
    Research In Finance, vol. 28
  • An Examination on Public Firms' Delisting Mechanism in China (in Chinese)
    Economic Perspectives
  • Debt Maturity Structure, Agency Costs, and Firm Value: Evidence from 1973-2004
    journal of Financial and Economic Practice, vol. 10
  • Target Firms and In-house Mergers and Acquisitions
    Journal of Applied Finance, vol. 17
  • CEO Illness Announcements and Rules of Succession
    Journal Of Business Strategies, vol. 23
  • Does Capital Structure Affect Institutional Investors' Choices? An Empirical Analysis
    Journal Of Investing, vol. 13
  • Estimating the Value of Steve Jobs Using an Event Study
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 24
    Spring, 2017
  • How do Powerful CEOs View Corporate Risk-taking? Evidence from the CEO Pay Slice (CPS)
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 22
    Spring, 2015
  • The Causal Effect of Religious Piety on Shareholder Wealth: Evidence from Acquirer Returns and Historical Religious Identification
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 23
    Fall, 2016
  • The Effect of Managerial Ability on Dividend Policy: How do Talented Managers View Dividend Payouts?
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 23
    Fall, 2016
  • Using Demographic Identification to Estimate the Effects of Board Size on Corporate Performance
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 24
    Summer, 2017
  • Why Bidding Firms Do not Hire Financial Advisors in Mergers and Acquisitions
    Corporate Ownership & Control, vol. 5
    Spring, 2008

Awards & Distinctions

  •  was awarded the 2018 Outstanding Research Award by School of Business, Siena College.
    Category: Research
    School of Business, Siena College, 2018

Books & Book Chapters

  • The History of American Investment Banks (in Chinese)
    China Development Press
  • The Logic of Investment Banks: Analyses on M&A Business of Investment Banks (in Chinese)
    China Development Press
  • Why Investment Banks are Not Used in Some Mergers & Acquisitions?
    Verlag Dr. Muller


  • Do ADR Firms Have Different Dividend Policies than US Firms? A Comparative Study
    March, 2021
    Academy of Business Research, New Orleans, Virtual
  • Using geographic density of firms to identify the effect of board size on firm value and corporate policies
    Southwestern Finance Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas
  • How do independent directors view corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
    Southwestern Finance Association Conference, Houston, Texas
  • Using Geographic Density of Firms to Identify the Effect of Board Size on Firm Value and Corporate Policies
    Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • How do Independent Directors View Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment
    Journal of Corporate Finance Special Issue Conference, Hong Kong, China- Hong Kong
  • How do Powerful CEOs view dividends and stock repurchases? Evidence from CEO pay slices?
    China Economic Annual Conference 2014, Shenzhen, China
  • A Comparison of Chinese SOE firms' boards and Private Firms' Boards?
    International Business Research Conference (23rd), Melbourne, Australia
  • A Comparison of Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Firm's Boards and Private Firm's Boards
    The Asian Business and Management Conference, Osaka, Japan
  • A comparison of Chinese state-owned enterprise firm's boards and private firm's boards.
    Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, Chicago, USA, 2013., Chicago, Illinois
  • CEO Illness Announcements and Rules of Succession
    Financial Management Association International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, United States of America
  • Does Capital Structure Affect Institutional Investors' Choices? An Empirical Analysis
    Financial Management Association International Annual Meeting, Denver, United States of America