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Degree Program University
Ph.D. Administrative and Engineering Systems Union College
M.S. Operations Research and Applied Statistics Union College
B.Sc. Management Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

I mainly teach courses in our graduate “D&A” (data and analytics) curriculum. This curriculum is designed to serve the D&A Concentrations of the MBA and MSA programs and as well as the standalone Professional Certificate in D&A.

The key pillars of my teaching philosophy include:

• Case Studies and Applications. My teaching is heavily reinforced by real-life case studies with an emphasis on application, interpretation, and a keen eye for potential pitfalls.

• Critical Thinking. An important goal is to change student perception of D&A as a form of “data-crunching” to a way of higher-level thinking that involves identification of gaps and biases in existing data, design and planning of data-driven studies, and critical examination of what one can (and cannot) conclude from the available data.

• Feedback. I design and utilize assignments to facilitate an engaging learning experience for students. I generally allow students to seek early feedback on their assignments and offer opportunities to revise their work.

• Tools
. It is important that our students are equipped with hands-on knowledge of mainstream D&A tools and software (e.g., R, Tableau, JMP) in order to build skills that are responsive to the needs of prospective employers.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

●GBUS 550 Quantitative Methods for Data-Based Decision-Making (Descriptive and Diagnostic)

● GBUS 610 Data Visualization and Predictive Analytics (Diagnostic and Predictive)

● GBUS 640 Data Mining and Predictive Analytics (Predictive)

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2022 - Now Professor of Accounting and Business Law Siena College
2016 - 2022 Associate Professor of Accounting and Business Law Siena College
2014 - 2016 Senior Manager of Data Sciences GE Renewables
2013 - 2014 Principal Member of Technical Staff Global Foundries
1991 - 2016 Adjunct Professor Union Graduate College
1990 - 2013 Principal Scientist in Analytics GE Global Research

Current Research


·         Applied statistics in business and industry

·         Business analytics

·         Data science

·         Experimental design

·         Process and productivity improvement

·         Process data-mining

·         Product reliability assurance (design, manufacturing, field)

·         Quality engineering

·         Sampling for auditing

Application areas:

·         Appliances

·         Chemical and process industries

·         Energy and power

·         Litigation consulting and expert witness

·         Process scale-up

·         Product design

·         Renewables

·         Semiconductors

·         Technology development

·         Transportation


Articles & Book Reviews

  • A Commentary on Specifying Prior Distributions in Reliability Applications
    Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
    June, 2023
  • A Conversation with William Q. Meeker
    Quality Engineering, vol. 35
    June, 2023
  • Product reliability: How Statistics Fits in
  • Change Point Detection and Issue Localization Based on Fleet-Wide Fault Data
    Journal Of Quality Technology, vol. 54
    September, 2022
  • Sorting Out Options: Statistical Software for Product Reliability and Lifetime Data Analysis
    Quality Progress, vol. 55
    August, 2022
  • Information Rich: Modern Data Acquisition Capabilities Provide Improved Reliability Analyses
    Quality Progress
  • A Simplified Formulation of Likelihood Ratio Confidence Intervals Using a Novel Property
    Technometrics, vol. 63
    February, 2021
  • Concerns in Identifying a Suitable Distribution: Product lifetimes are typically not normally distributed
    Quality Progress, vol. 53
    December, 2020
  • Reliability Disasters: Lessons Learned
    Quality Progress
    August, 2020
  • Introducing Advanced Exploratory Data Analysis Tools in an MBA Program
    Global Journal of Business Pedagogy, vol. 3
    June, 2019
  • A Mixture Model for Determination of Root Cause Frequency: Proposed solution to the open challenge
    Quality Engineering, vol. 31
  • Statistical Intervals, not Statistical Significance
    Significance, vol. 16
  • Assess Your Lifetime Model: A Graphical Distribution Fit Test for Product Life Data Analysis
    Quality Progress
    December, 2018
  • Book Review: Statistical Intervals: A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers
  • Fallacies of Statistical Significance
    Quality Progress
    November, 2017
  • Identify and Act: Performing Product Life Data Analysis with Unidentified Subpopulations
    Quality Progress
  • Reliability Upsizing: How to Adjust for Size Effect in Product Life Data Analysis
    Quality Progress
    November, 2015
  • An Application of the Linear Errors-in-Variables Model in Semiconductor Device Performance Assessment
    Quality Engineering, vol. 27
    October, 2015
  • Leveraging Big Data for Proactive Product Servicing
    Six Sigma Forum Magazine
  • Batch Variability in Accelerated-Degradation Testing
    Journal Of Quality Technology, vol. 46
    April, 2014
  • Improving a Manufacturing Process Using Data-Based Methods
    Quality And Reliability Engineering: International, vol. 30
    April, 2014
  • Timely Reliability Assessment Using Destructive Degradation Tests
    Quality Progress
  • Gaining Physical Insights from Degradation Data
    Journal Of Quality Technology, vol. 45
    April, 2013
  • Discussion of More Pitfalls of Accelerated Testing
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Improved Life Analyses Using Degradation Testing
    Quality Progress
  • Career Paths for the Applied Statistician
    Amstat News
  • Statistics Research in Business and Industry: The GE Experience
    International Statistical Review
  • Statistics in Business and Industry: The Path Forward
    Amstat News
  • The Excitement of a Career in Statistics
    Amstat News
  • Traits of a Successful Statistician
    Amstat News
  • Using Bayesian Methods to Leverage Engineering Knowledge in Life Data Analysis
    Quality Progress
  • Leveraging Engineering Knowledge in Life Data Analysis
    Quality Progress
  • Statistics to Facilitate Innovation: A Panel Discussion
    Quality Engineering
  • The Challenge to Long Term Improvement
    Six Sigma Forum Magazine
  • By the Numbers
    Six Sigma Forum Magazine
  • Efficient Gradient-Based Optimization of Process Capability with Multiple, Potentially Non-normal Outputs
    Communications In Statistics - Simulation And Computation
  • Predicting Problems: Forecasting the Number of Future Field Failures
    Quality Progress
  • Validating Product Reliability
  • A Conversation with Gerry Hahn
    Quality Engineering
  • Discussion of Quality Management and Quality Practice: Perspectives on their History and their Future
    Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
  • Divide and Conquer in Reliability Analyses: Gain Understanding by Looking at Different Population Segments
    Quality Progress
  • Numbers in Everyday Life: A Short Course for Adults
    Amstat News
  • Data Mining: A Gateway to Better Data Gathering
    Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  • Proactive Product Servicing
    Quality Progress
  • The Future of Industrial Statistics: A Panel Discussion
  • Reliability Assessment by Use-Rate Acceleration
    Quality Progress
  • Adding to the Six Sigma Statistical Toolkit
    Six Sigma Forum Magazine
  • Book Review Process Quality Control: Troubleshooting and Interpretation of Data
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • How to Analyze Reliability Data for Repairable Products
    Quality Progress
  • Improving Reliability Through Warranty Data Analysis
    Quality Progress
  • Book Review of Practical Reliability Engineering
    Quality And Reliability Engineering: International
  • Planning Reliability Assessment
    Quality Progress
  • What's Missing in Six Sigma?
    Six Sigma Forum Magazine
  • Book Review Weibull Models
  • Planning Life Tests for Reliability Demonstration
    Quality Progress
  • Book Review Recurrent Events Analysis for Product Repairs, Disease Recurrences, and Other Applications
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Simultaneous Optimization of Mean and Standard Deviation in Response Surface Experimentation
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Speedier Reliability Analysis
    Quality Progress
  • Divide and Conquer: Reliability Analysis by Individual Failure Modes
    Quality Progress
  • Book Review HALT, HASS and HASA Explained: Accelerated Reliability Techniques
  • Statistical Tools for Six Sigma
    Quality Progress
  • Using Degradation Data for Product Reliability Analysis
    Quality Progress
  • Assessment of Impact of Measurement Variability in the Presence of Multiple Sources of Product Variability
    Quality Engineering
  • Discussion: Practical Aspects of Corrected Likelihood Ratio Confidence Intervals
  • Reliability (or Product Life) Data Analysis: A Case Study
    Quality Progress
  • The Evolution of Six Sigma
    Quality Engineering
  • Discussion of Statistics as a Catalyst to Learning by Scientific Method
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Reliability Improvement: Issues and Tools
    Quality Progress
  • Sample Size Considerations for Assessing the Equivalence of Two Process Means
    Quality Engineering
  • Statistical Considerations in Microanalysis by Energy-dispersive Spectrometry
    Microscopy and Microanalysis
  • A Method to Compare Two Samples of Recurrence Data
    Life Data Analysis
  • Book Review Quality and Reliability of Technical Systems: Theory, Practice, Management
  • A Useful Property of Best Linear Unbiased Predictors with Applications to Life-testing
    American Statistician
  • Discussion of New Pedagogy and New Content: The Case of Statistics
    International Statistical Review
  • Process Monitoring with Multiple Products and Production Lines
    Quality Engineering
  • Evaluating the Impact of Blending on Product Consistency
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Process Monitoring with Multiple Product Grades
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Book Review Handbook of Reliability Engineering
    Journal Of American Statistical Association
  • Book Review How to Perform Skip-Lot and Chain Sampling
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Determining the Duration of a Demonstration Life-test Before All Units Fail
    IEEE Transactions On Reliability
  • Discussion of Shewhart-type Charts in Non-standard Situations
  • Moving from Every Lot Inspection to Audit Sampling
    Journal Of Quality Technology
  • Comparisons of Approximate Confidence Intervals for Distributions Used in Life Data Analysis
  • Orthogonal Parameters with Censored Data
    Communications In Statistics, Theory, And Methods
  • Algorithmic Statistical Process Control: Concepts and an Application
  • Discussion of Relationship Between Results of Partial Discharge Pulse Height Analysis and Subsequent Voltage Endurance of Stator Bars and Coils
    IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
  • Comparisons of Approximate Confidence Intervals for the Smallest Extreme Value Distribution Simple Linear Regression Model under Time Censoring
    Communications In Statistics - Simulation And Computation
  • Identification of Out of Control Quality Characteristics in a Multivariate Manufacturing Environment
    Communications In Statistics, Theory, And Methods
  • Interval Estimation from Censored and Masked System Failure Data
    IEEE Transactions On Reliability
  • Getting Good Data Up Front: A Key Challenge
    Quality Engineering, vol. 24
    Oct-Dec, 2012
  • Topics for the Accounting Information Systems Course: A Dual Perspective Approach from Educators and Employers
    Accounting Information Systems Educator's Journal, vol. 14
    Fall, 2019

Awards & Distinctions

  •  A peer reviewed article that I have co-authored has been selected for inclusion in the 2020 volume of The Best Writing on Mathematics 2020 published by Princeton University Press. The original article titled "Statistical Intervals, not Statistical Significance" appeared in Significance.
    Category: Teaching-Research
    Princeton University Press, 2020
  • SHEWHART MEDAL   The Shewhart Medal is ASQ's top technical career award and is given to a one individual each year who has demonstrated accomplishment in modern quality control through the development of its theory, principles, and techniques.   His citation reads: “For statistical leadership in advancing and advocating for proactive quality and reliability assurance through high-impact applications, research, publications for practitioners, training, and service to the profession.”
    Category: Research
    American Society for Quality, 2020
  • DOUGLAS T. HICKEY CHAIR (School of Business)
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2019
  • RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD (School of Business)
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2019
  • DOUGLAS T. HICKEY CHAIR (School of Business)
    Category: Research
    Siena College School of Business, 2018
  • BRUMBAUGH AWARD     Founded in 1949, the Brumbaugh Award is presented for the paper, published in the preceding year, that the committee decides has made the largest single contribution to the development of industrial application of quality control.  2016 Brumbaugh Award presented to Necip Doganaksoy for co-authoring the paper, “An Application of the Linear Errors-in-Variables Model in Semiconductor Device Performance Assessment,” published in 2015 in Quality Engineering, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 500-511.   

    Category: Research
    American Society for Quality (ASQ), 2016
  • ZIEGEL PRIZE    Technometrics Ziegel Prize for the best book reviewed by the journal in 2010 (The Role of Statistics in Business and Industry by Hahn and Doganaksoy). Technometrics is a journal of statistics for the physical, chemical and engineering sciences, published jointly by the American Society for Quality and the American Statistical Association. Criteria for the award include that the book brings together in one volume a body of material previously only available in scattered research articles and having the potential to significantly improve practice in engineering and science.

    Category: Teaching-Research
    American Satistical Association (ASA) and American Society for Quality (ASQ), 2011
  • HUNTER AWARD    Recognized for practical use of statistical tools in non-traditional areas like IT, Human Resources and Finance. The Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) established the Hunter Award in 1987 in memory of the Division's founding chair to promote, encourage and acknowledge outstanding accomplishments during a career in the broad field of applied statistics. The attributes that characterize Bill Hunter's career - consultant, educator for practitioners, communicator, and integrator of statistical thinking into other disciplines - are used to help decide the recipient.

    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    American Society for Quality, 2009
  • FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY (ASQ)  Fellowship is the highest honorary membership grade of this 80,000 member association. Presently, only 650 members hold the Fellow status.

    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    American Society for Quality (ASQ), 2008
  • ELECTED MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE  The ISI is composed of some 4,000 individual members who are the world’s leading statisticians. Membership is by election of the ISI Board only.

    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1997
  • FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION (ASA)   Citation: In recognition of his role as an outstanding industrial statistician, his many contributions to the statistical methodology of product life analysis and process control, and his service to the profession. Each year less than one-third of one percent of the total association membership are recognized as Fellows.

    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    American Statistical Association (ASA), 1996

Books & Book Chapters

  • Achieving Product Reliability: A Key to Business Success
    CRC press New York (part of Taylor and Francis)
  • The Best Writing on Mathematics
    Prentice Hall
  • Statistical Roundtables: Insights and Best Practices
    ASQ Press
  • A Career in Statistics: Beyond the Numbers (Chinese translation)
    Xi'an Jiaotong University Press
  • A Career in Statistics: Beyond the Numbers
    Wiley and Sons
  • The Role of Statistics in Business and Industry
    Wiley and Sons
  • Statistics: A Guide To The Unknown
    Duxbury Press
  • Handbook of Statistics Volume: Advances in Reliability
    North Holland Publications
  • Handbook of Statistics Volume: Advances in Reliability
    North Holland Publications
  • The Quality Yearbook
  • Juran's Quality Handbook
  • Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management
  • Recent Advances in Life-Testing and Reliability
    CRC press New York (part of Taylor and Francis)
  • Recent Advances in Life-Testing and Reliability
    CRC press New York (part of Taylor and Francis)


  • Achieving Product Reliability: How Statistics Fits In
    Union College 2022 Fall Term Mathematics Seminars, Schenectady, New York
  • Change Point Detection and Issue Localization Based on Fleet-Wide Fault Data
    Quality and Productivity Research Conference, San Francisc, California
  • Findings and Recommendations from the ASA Antiracism Task Force Subcommittee for Advancing Racial Justice in the Practice of Statistics
    Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington DC, District of Columbia
  • Findings and Recommendations from the Advancing Racial Justice in the Practice of Statistics ASA Antiracism Task Force Subcommittee
    Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington DC, Washington
  • How to use statistics to improve product reliability
    ASSEMBLY Webinar, Webinar, United States of America
  • An Exploratory Data Analysis of Railroad Safety: A Pedagogical Approach
    November, 2019
    Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • An Exploratory Analysis of Drug Rehabilitation Data and the Need for Evidence-Based Policy Reform
    UPSTAT 2019 Annual Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association, Rochester, New York
  • Introduction to Blockchain: Incorporating Emerging Technologies in the Classroom
    UPSTAT 2019 Annual Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association, Rochester, New York
  • Reliability Assurance and Data Analytics
    The Hickey Lecture Series, Loudonville, New York
  • Change Point Detection and Issue Localization based on Fleet-wide Fault Data
    UP-STAT 2018 Better Living Through Statistics, The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
  • Exploratory Analysis of Data on Homelessness: Paving the Way for Data Analytics for Social Good
    UP-STAT 2018 Better Living Through Statistics, The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
  • MSA Concentration in Data and Analytics
    AAA Intensive Data and Analytics Summer Workshop, Orlando, Florida
  • Using the Central Limit Theorem in Medicare/Medicaid Audits
    Invited presentation at Siena College Faculty Research Symposium, Siena College, New York
  • Topics for the Accounting Information Systems Course: what do employers think is important?
    June, 2017
    Accounting Information Systems Educator Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • Embedding Big Data and Analytics into your Courses and Curriculum
    AAA Northeast Region Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island
  • Fault Data and Reliability Analysis
    34th Quality and Productivity Research Conference (ASA-ASQ), Storrs, Connecticut