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 A native of northern France, Nathalie Degroult is an Associate Professor of French in the Department of Modern Languages & Classics, and also heads the French program. She holds a Ph.D in French from The University at Albany, a M.A in French from Binghamton University, and a B.A in International Affairs from The George Washington University. Dr. Degroult teaches courses in language, literature and culture, and regularly offers "French Cinema", a course taught in English. She also serves as the advisor to the French Club—a student led club "to stimulate the interest of the French culture and language, and cultivate an interest for the Francophone world." Dr. Degroult specializes in Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema and literature, and has published numerous papers on this topic as well as on the art of teaching cinema; she incorporates the content of her articles in various French courses. In addition to academic articles, book and film reviews, she also co-authored with Michèle Bissière (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) the 3rd edition of the textbook Séquences (Intermediate French Through Film). She served as the Modern Language Association Delegate Assembly as a Regional Delegate for New York for three years. After being Review Editor for the Creative Works section of the French Review Dr. Degroult served as the Managing Editor of the French Review for three year (2014-2017). in October 2016, Dr. Degroult was named Chevalier de l'ordre des Palmes académiques.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. French University at Albany
M.A. French Binghamton
B.A. International Affairs George Washington University

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

As a language teacher, I strive to inspire, motivate and challenge my students to become outstanding language learners who can demonstrate both linguistic and cultural competency. Using an eclectic approach I not only focus on the four fundamental language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) but also integrate the study of French and Francophone cultural realities ,. I create a welcoming and nurturing environment which puts my students at ease and facilitates their desire to learn. Studying a foreign language can seem intimidating and stressful for some students and teaching it requires a tremendous amount of dedication, patience, and pedagogical innovation. In all the classes I teach in English or French, I use technology such as power points, film clips, audio recordings and blackboard as essential components of my teaching methodology. I consistently incorporate authentic and relevant material according to the level of the class. 

What I Love About Siena

 The students are the reason I love teaching at Siena. I am especially impressed by their community involvement, academic dedication, and determination to succeed.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

FREN 027- French Cinema
I teach this class in English, which allows me to interact with all majors. Students are exposed to a culturally different cinema and are better able to reflect on diversity. 
FREN 301 & 302- French Conversation I & II
I use a film based textbook which makes these classes especially fun, engaging, and lively. 
FREN 360- Introduction to French Literature
I am passionate about film and literature and really enjoy teaching both French & Francophone "classics" and more contemporay literary works.
various FREN 400 courses (Topics in French) dealing with contemporary French/ Francophone film, culture or literature.

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2019 - Now Professor Siena College
2013 - 2019 Associate Professor Siena College
2007 - 2013 Assistant Professor Siena College
2006 - 2007 Visiting Assistant Professor College of St. Rose
2004 - 2005 Part-time lecturer University at Albany
2000 - 2006 Part-time lecturer College of St. Rose
1998 - 2000 Teaching Assistant University at Albany

Current Research

Contemporary French cinema: films from Northern France, beur film with a special emphasis on themes such as immigration, identity, parent-child relationship
Contemporary Quebecois cinema
Contemporary French and Francophone literature

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Bilan cinématographique 2018-2019: tous à l'eau!
    French Review
  • "Femme à la mobylette" by Jean-Luc Siègle
    French Review, vol. 92
  • "Le paradoxe d'Anderson" by Pascal Manoukian
    French Review, vol. 93
  • Bilan cinématographique 2017-2018: portraits glanés, paysages composés
    French Review
  • My French Film Festival
    French Review, vol. 92
    December, 2018
  • La douleur by Emmanuel Finkiel
    French Review, vol. 92
    October, 2018
  • Joie by Clara Magnani
    French Review, vol. 91
    May, 2018
  • Bilan cinématographique 2016-2017: l'année du voyage
    French Review, vol. 91
    March, 2018
  • Dossier pédagogique: Ma vie de courgette (Claude Barras, 2016)
    French Review, vol. 91
    March, 2018
  • Réveillon by Pierre Mérot
    French Review, vol. 91
    March, 2018
  • les hautes lumières de Xavier de Moulins
    French Review, vol. 92
  • La Cheffe, roman d'une cuisinière by Marie NDiaye
    French Review, vol. 91
    December, 2017
  • My French Film Festival
    French Review, vol. 91
    October, 2017
  • Ce pays qui te ressemble by Tobie Nathan
    French Review, vol. 90
    May, 2017
  • Médecin de campagne by Thomas Lilti
    French Review, vol. 90
    May, 2017
  • The Event of Charlie Hebdo: The Imaginaries of Freedom and Control by Alessandro Zagato, ed
    French Review, vol. 90
    March, 2017
  • La passion d'Augustine by Léa Pool
    French Review, vol. 90
    December, 2016
  • La soudure by Alain Guyot
    French Review, vol. 89
    May, 2016
  • Les héritiers by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar
    French Review, vol. 89
    May, 2016
  • Constellation by Adrien Bosc
    French Review, vol. 89
    December, 2015
  • Dans les coulisses d'Intouchables by Isabelle Giordano
    French Review, vol. 89
    December, 2015
  • Jacob, Jacob by Valérie Zenatti
    French Review, vol. 89
    October, 2015
  • My French Film Festival
    French Review, vol. 89
    October, 2015
  • Exploitation pédagogique du film Les héritiers (Marie-castille Mention Schaar, 2014)
    AATF National Bulletin, vol. 41
    September, 2015
  • On ne voyait que le bonheur by Grégoire Delacourt
    French Review, vol. 88
    May, 2015
  • Ame qui vive by Véronique Bizot
    French Review, vol. 88
    March, 2015
  • Sur le fil by Maude Déry
    French Review, vol. 88
    December, 2014
  • Entretien avec Grégoire Delacourt: dentellier des mots valenciennois
    AATF National Bulletin, vol. 40
    November, 2014
  • Bilan cinématographique 2013-2014: A Holy year!
    French Review, vol. 87
    March, 2014
  • Dossier pédagogique: La pirogue (Moussa Touré, 2013)
    French Review, vol. 87
    March, 2014
  • My French Film Festival
    French Review, vol. 87
    October, 2013
  • Un avenir by véronique Bizot
    French Review, vol. 86
    February, 2013
  • Dommages collatéraux by André Bruneau
    French Review, vol. 87
  • Intouchables: étude d'un film populaire à grand succès
    AATF 85th Annual Convention
  • My French Film Festival
    French Review, vol. 86
    December, 2012
  • Intouchables by Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano
    French Review, vol. 86
    October, 2012
  • Paris, je t'aime by Myriam Thibault
    French Review, vol. 85
    April, 2012
  • Après l'enfance by Julie Douard
    French Review, vol. 85
    February, 2012
  • Du côté de chez Philippe Chardin: entretien avec un auteur intemporel
    French Review, vol. 86
  • Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis: Approche pédagogique d'un film de ch'nord
    French Review, vol. 85
    October, 2011
  • Concerto pour un ange by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
    French Review, vol. 84
    May, 2011
  • Le Petit Nicolas by Laurent Tirard
    French Review, vol. 84
    May, 2011
  • Mon couronnement by Véronique Bizot
    French Review, vol. 84
    April, 2011
  • Le Jour où Malika ne s'est pas mariée by Fouad Laroui
    French Review, vol. 84
    March, 2011
  • Le Méchant Vieux Temps by Philippe Chardin
    French Review, vol. 84
    December, 2010
  • La Trahison de Thomas Spencer, by Philippe Besson
    French Review, vol. 83
    May, 2010
  • N'oublie pas d'être heureuse, by Christine Orban
    French Review, vol. 83
    April, 2010
  • Une Ombre, sans doute, by Michel Quint
    French Review, vol. 83
    December, 2009
  • Le roi c'est moi, by Jean-Benoît Patricot
    French Review, vol. 82
    April, 2009
  • France
    Encyclopedia of Play in Todays Society
  • Switzerland
    Encyclopedia of Play in Todays Society
  • Understand the Queer World of the Lesbian Body: Using Queer as Folks and the L-word to Address the Construction of the Lesbian
    Journal of Lesbian Studies

Awards & Distinctions

  • Chevalier de l'ordre des Palmes Académiques
    Category: Service-Professional
    French Ministry of the Education, 2016
  • Positive Difference Award, University at Albany
    Category: Other
    University at Albany, 2005

Books & Book Chapters

  • Allons au cinéma:Promoting French through films, Vol. III
    American Association of Teachers of French
  • Allons au cinéma: Promoting French through Films, Vol. 2
    American Association of Teachers of French
  • Séquences. Intermediate French through Film. Student Activities Manual
  • Séquences. Intermediate French through Film
  • Allons au cinéma: Promoting French through Films
    American Association of Teachers of French


  • AATF presents: Rediscovering the French Review
    MaFLA, annual Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Enfants et adolescents dans les films francophones récents: a Three hour Workshop
    MaFLA, annual Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • "Couleur de peau: miel de Jung et Laurent Boileau (2012)". Allons au Cinema Workshop,
    AATF 89e Congrès annuel, Austin, Texas
  • L'école à l'écran: quelques films récents
    AATF 88e congres annuel, Saguenay, Canada-Quebec
  • Retour sur le cinéma beur
    AATF 87e Congrès annuel, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Regards de cinéastes francophones sur l'immigration
    July, 2013
    AATF 86th Annual Convention, Providence, Connecticut
  • Searching for Identity in Couleur de peau: miel (Approved for Adoption), an animated film
    March, 2013
    Visual Manifestations of Cultural Intersections, Loudonville, New York
  • Intouchables: le film de l'année.
    AATF 85th Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois
  • La rafle (Rose, Bosh, 2009): un film historique et pédagogique
    CIEF Conference, Aix-en-France, France
  • Approche pédagogique du film québécois C.R.A.Z.Y
    CIEF Conference, Quebec, Canada
  • Retour en enfance québécoise: Maman est chez le coiffeur (Léa Pool, 2008) et C'est pas moi je le jure! (Philippe Falardeau, 2008)
    AATF 83 Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Bienvenue chez les ch'tis: découverte d'une région, d'une culture, d'un patois
    AATF 82 Annual Convention, San Jose, California
  • Jewish Identity in Contemporary French Films
    Teachers, Teaching and the Movies, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Images of Teachers in Contemporary French films
    Teachers, Teaching and the Movies, Charleston, South Carolina