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M 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
T 09:45 AM-11:15 AM
W 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
F 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

I graduated with a B.S. in Mathematics in 1999 from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and with a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Stony Brook University in 2005. I joined Siena College in 2011 after visiting positions at the University of Oregon (Eugene, OR) and Trinity College (Hartford, CT).

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Mathematics SUNY Center Stony Brook
B.S. Mathematics Sharif University of Technology

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

The core of my teaching philosophy is problem solving. I encourage my students to improve their mathematical skills and understanding through group projects and presentations. I am also a believer in Inquiry Based Learning methodology after attending two workshops and implementing the IBL techniques in several of my classes. 

What I Love About Siena

I love my students and appreciate their hard work in my classes. I value the fact that my students take my classes seriously and do their best. Siena College is a vibrant institution with many bright students and faculty. 

My Favorite Courses to Teach

My favorite course to teach at Siena is Euclidean and Non Euclidean Geometry. I run this course as an inqury based learning course, where student presentations are the major part of our meetings. 

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2015 - Now Associate Professor Siena College
2011 - 2015 Assistant Professor Siena College
2008 - 2011 Harold L. Dorwart Visiting Assistant Professor Trinity College
2005 - 2008 Paul Olum Visiting Assistant Professor University of Oregon
2000 - 2005 Graduate Teaching Assistant Stony Brook University

Current Research

In graduate school, I studied conformally compact Einstein metrics. I was particularly interested in understanding the relationship between the geometry of the interior metric of a conformally compact Einstein metric and its conformal boundary. At the University of Oregon, I became interested in Ricci flow, a geometric flow that is best known because of Poincare conjecture through the works of Hamilton and Perelman. My recent research interests include Topological and Linear Dynamics. I have also worked on several Number Theory and Graph Theory projects throughout the years.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Complete Generalized Fibonacci Sequences Modulo Primes
    Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, vol. 9
  • On Sets Closed Under the Cross Product and a Property of the Octahedron
    American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 127
  • On the subgroup generated by solutions of Pell's equation
    Journal of Number Theory, vol. 194
    January, 2019
  • A note on polynomial sequences modulo integers
    Journal of Integer Sequences, vol. 22
  • Cyclic composition operators on separable locally compact metric spaces
    Topology and Its Applications, vol. 258
  • Loxodromes on hypersurfaces of revolution
    INVOLVE Journal, vol. 10
  • Projective partitions of vector spaces
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, vol. 32
  • On transitive polynomials modulo integers
    Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, vol. 22
    July, 2016
  • Cycle double covers of infinite planar graphs
    Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, vol. 36
  • The Correlation Numerical Range and Trace-Positive Complex Polynomials
    Operators and matrices, vol. 10
  • Dynamics of semigroups of linear fractional transformations
    Dynamical Systems, vol. 29
  • Hypercyclic and topologically transitive semigroups of composition operators
    Topology and Its Applications, vol. 164
  • Maximally transitive semigroups of nxn matrices
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 401
  • A Collatz-type conjecture on the set of rational numbers
    Journal of Number Theory, vol. 132
  • Dense 2-generator subsemigroups of 2x2 matrices
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 387
  • Semigroups of matrices with dense orbits
    Dynamical Systems, vol. 26
  • On a property of plane curves
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 361
  • Rigidity of conformally compact manifolds with the round sphere as the conformal infinity
    Advances in Mathematics, vol. 224
  • Topologically transitive semigroup actions of real linear fractional transformations
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 368
  • Chord Theorems on Graphs
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, vol. 137
  • Convergence of Ricci flow on R^2 to flat space
    Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 19
  • A generalization of Dirichlet approximation theorem for the affine actions on real line
    Journal of Number Theory, vol. 128
  • Dirichlet problem on locally finite graphs
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 155
  • A new arrangement inequality
    Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 7

Awards & Distinctions

  • COTFD Fellowship Award
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2016
  • COFTD Fellowship Award
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2014
  • COTFD Fellowship Award
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2012
    Category: Research
    Stony Brook University, 2005
    Category: Teaching
    Stony Brook University, 2003
    Category: Other
    Sharif University of Technology, 1999
    Category: Other
    Sharif University of Technology, 1996
    Category: Other
    IMO, 1995
  • IPM Fellowship Award
    Category: Other
    IPM, Iran, 1995


  • A Note on Polynomial Sequences Modulo Integers
    Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, Colorado
  • Fair partitions of polygons
    April, 2018
    SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, New York
  • Cycle double covers of infinite planar graphs
    July, 2017
    Mathfest, Chicago, Illinois
  • Non-existence in Mathematics
    March, 2015
    Siena College Mathematics Colloquium, Loudonville, New York
  • Dynamics of semigroups of LFT
    January, 2015
    Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, Texas
  • Continued fractions and other mathematical adventures
    November, 2014
    Union College Mathematics Colloquium, Union College, Schenectady, New York
  • Proofs without words
    March, 2014
    Department of Mathematics Colloquium, Loudonville, New York
  • Paul Erdos, the traveling mathematician
    March, 2013
    Department of Mathematics Colloquium, Loudonville, New York
  • Dense 2-generator subsemigroups of 2x2 matrices
    January, 2012
    American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Maximally transitive semigroups of matrices
    The 9th AIMS conference on Dynamical systems, Differential Equations, and Applications, Orlando, Florida
  • Semigroups of matrices with dense orbits
    January, 2010
    American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
  • Semigroups of real functions with dense orbits
    November, 2009
    CCSU colloquium, New Britain, Connecticut
  • Rigidity of conformally compact manifolds with the round sphere as the conformal infinity
    April, 2009
    AMS central section spring meeting, Urbana, Illinois
  • On a property of plane curves
    January, 2009
    American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia
  • On a property of plane curves
    November, 2008
    CCSU colloquium, New Britain, Connecticut
  • Harmonic functions via inverse mean-value theorems
    January, 2008
    American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, California
  • Dirichlet problem on locally finite graphs
    November, 2007
    University of Oregon Geometry Seminar, Eugene, Oregon
  • Chord Theorems on Graphs
    April, 2007
    MAA Pacific northwest section meeting, McMinnville, Oregon
  • A combinatorial-analysis invariant of graphs
    January, 2007
    American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Conformally compact Einstein metrics with symmetry in dimension 5
    October, 2006
    AMS central section fall meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Conformally compact Einstein metrics with symmetry in dimension 5
    March, 2006
    Oregon State University Analysis seminar, Corvallis, Oregon