Back to Faculty Directory
Degree Program University
D.B.A. Marketing NOVA Southeastern University
M.B.A. Marketing Sage Graduate School
B.S. Marketing Siena College

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2015 - Now Associate Professor of Marketing Siena College
2011 - 2015 Assistant Professor of Marketing Siena College
2009 - 2011 Assistant Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
2008 - 2009 Senior Business Manager of Corporate Brands Daymon Worldwide
2007 - 2008 Business Manager of Corporate Brands Daymon Worldwide
2004 - 2007 Corporate Brands Senior Manager Price Chopper Supermarkets, Golub Corporation
2002 - 2009 Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
2001 - 2004 Buyer and Logistics Senior Manager Price Chopper Supermarkets, Golub Corporation
2000 - 2001 Buyer and Promotional Planner C&S Wholesale Grocers
1999 - 2000 Buyer and Logistics Manager-Center Store Price Chopper Supermarkets, Golub Corporation
1997 - 1999 Sales Promoter of Grocery Merchandising Price Chopper Supermarkets, Golub Corporation
1992 - 1997 Grocery Department Store Manager Price Chopper Supermarkets, Golub Corporation
1990 - 1990 Sales Representative for Business Products Electronic Business Products
1990 - 1992 Assistant Night Crew Store Manager Grand Union Supermarkets

Current Research


Articles & Book Reviews

  • The impact of using a Blended Learning Choice Model method on student performance in higher education during COVID-19
    Journal Of Education For Business
    April, 2023
  • A Comparison of Remote learning and Classroom learning performance in higher education
    Academy of Business Research Conference
    March, 2021
  • The Influence of Social Media on Buying Behavior
    International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 12
    January, 2021
  • Assessing keyword match types to enhance Pay Per Click (PPC) Search Network campaign conversion goals
    Academy of Business Research Conference
    August, 2019
  • The Effects of Personality, Religiosity and Sexual Orientation in Response to Sexual Appeals in Advertising
    International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 10
    August, 2019
  • Identifying Driving Forces for Donations to Natural Disaster Relief Organizations
    Academy of Business Research Conference
    August, 2018
  • The Impact of Mood on Consumer Impulsiveness
    International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 9
    May, 2018
  • Delivering Value to Retailers and Consumers Using Point of Sale (POS) Data
    International Academic Conference on Business
    August, 2017
  • Using Power Cycle Theory and Role Realignment Theory to recognize the International roles of China and the United States
    International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 8
    April, 2017
  • Using the Kelly Repertory Grid to Determine the Impact of Country of Origin (COO) and Ethnocentrism on the evaluation of High Involvement Products
    International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 8
    March, 2017
  • Store Brands And National Brands Price Differential And Impact On Category Performance
    Journal of Business and Economics, vol. 7
    March, 2016
  • Social Media as a Marketing Tool for Heritage Sites in Eastern New York State
    International Business Conference
    August, 2015
  • Store Brands and National Brands Price Differential and Impact on Category Performance
    International Business & Education Conferences
    June, 2015
  • A Preliminary Examination of Cultural Values as Antecedents of Attitudes Toward The Ad In Turkish Consumers
    International Business Conference
    March, 2015
  • The Susceptibility of an Impulse Consumer
    International Business Conference
    March, 2015
  • Actual-Potential Role Analysis: China And The United States
    International Business Conference
  • The Impact of Private Label Sales Penetration on Category Profitability
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 10
    September, 2012
  • The Impact of Country of Origin (COO) and Consumer Ethnocentrism on Salient Product Construct Evaluations identified by the Kelly Repertory Grid
    Marketing Management Association
    March, 2012
  • Competitive Advantage, Private Label Brands and Category Profitability
    Journal Of Marketing Management, vol. 28
    February, 2012
  • Using Point of Sale (POS) Data to Deliver Customer Value in the Supermarket Industry through Category Management Practices
    Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, vol. 6
    February, 2012
  • Customer Lifetime Value: A Vital Marketing/Financial Concept for Businesses
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 10
    January, 2012
  • Scale Development For Breakfast Cereals Using The Kelly Repertory Grid Technique
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • The Impact of Extrinsic Motivational Dissatisfiers on Employee Level of Job Satisfaction and Commitment Resulting in the Intent To Turnover
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 8
    September, 2010
  • Customer Lifetime Value: A Vital Marketing/Financial Concept for Businesses
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • The Impact of Extrinsic Motivational Dissatisfiers on Employee level of Job satisfaction and Commitment resulting in the Intent To Turnover
    European Applied Business Research Conference
  • The Impact of Private Label Sales Penetration on Category Profitability
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • A Creative Interactive Approach for Business Engagement in Retail Management: Going Beyond the Classroom
    Applied Business Research (ABR) and College Teaching and Learning (TLC) Conference
    January, 2008
  • Consumer Perceptions of Private Brands in Supermarkets & Impact on Behavioral Loyalty
    Applied Business Research (ABR) and College Teaching and Learning (TLC) Conference
    January, 2008
  • Saints Christmas Trees Pricing Analysis
    Journal of Business Case Studies, vol. 9
    Jan/Feb, 2013
  • Scale Development for Breakfast Cereals Using The Kelly Repertory Grid Technique
    Journal of Business Case Studies, vol. 9
    Mar/Apr, 2013
  • Teaching Supply Chain Operations Planning Using Actual Industry Data Across Multiple Organizations
    Journal of Business Case Studies, vol. 11
    Jan-Mar, 2015
  • The Impact of Private Label Brands on Customer Loyalty and Product Category Profitability
    Journal Of Product & Brand Management, vol. 20
    Spring, 2011
  • Using Social Media as a Historical Marketing Tool for Heritage Sites in Eastern New York State
    Journal Of Applied Business Research, vol. 33
    Jan/Feb, 2017


  • Assessing New Google Keyword Match Types to Enhance Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Search Network Campaign Conversion Goals
    January, 2023
    Academy of Business Research Conference, virtual, Virtual
  • Private Label brand value to organizations
    January, 2023
    Academy of Business Research Conference, virtual, Virtual
  • A Comparison of Remote learning and Classroom learning performance in higher education
    Academy of Business Research Conference, virtual, Virtual
  • Assessing keyword match types to enhance Pay Per Click (PPC) Search Network campaign conversion goals
    Academy of Business Research Conference, Niagara Falls, New York
  • Store Brands and National Brands Price Differential and Impact on Category Performance
    June, 2015
    International Business & Education Conferences, London, Great Britain
  • Pricing Disparity between Store Brands and National Brands and impact on Category Market Share and Profitability
    March, 2014
    Marketing Management Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • A Case Study for Teaching Integrated Operations Planning in the Supply Chain
    March, 2013
    Marketing Management Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • The Impact of Country of Origin (COO) and Consumer Ethnocentrism on Salient Product Construct Evaluations identified by the Kelly Repertory Grid
    March, 2012
    Marketing Management Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Scale Development For Breakfast Cereals Using The Kelly Repertory Grid Technique
    October, 2011
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Using Point of Sale (POS) Data to Deliver Value in the Supermarket Industry through Category Management Practices
    March, 2011
    Marketing Management Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • The Impact of Extrinsic Motivational Dissatisfiers on Employee Level of Job Satisfaction and Commitment resulting in the Intent To Turnover
    European Applied Business Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland
  • The Impact of Private Label Sales Penetration on Category Profitability
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • A Creative Interactive Approach for Business Engagement in Retail Management: Going Beyond the Classroom
    January, 2008
    Applied Business Research (ABR) and College Teaching and Learning (TLC) Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Consumer Perceptions of Private Label Brands in Supermarkets and Impact on Behavior Loyalty
    January, 2008
    Applied Business Research (ABR) and College Teaching and Learning (TLC) Conference, Orlando, Florida