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Briefly my educational background is:
(a) B.S in Statistics
(b) M.S. in Statistics/Operations Research
(c) Diploma in Operations Research, all from Indian Statistical Institute
(d) PhD in Economics/Econometrics from State University of New York, Albany, New York.

I have research interest in statistical applications in Business and Economics. Few of my research articles have published in Management, Economics and applied Statistics Journals.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Economics University at Albany, SUNY
M.A. University at Albany, SUNY
Diploma Statistical Quality Control & Operations Research Indian Statistical Institute
M.Stat. Statistics, Operations Research Indian Statistical Institute
B.Stat Mathematics, Statistics, Economics Indian Statistical Institute

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

"Why am I learning a specific topic in Quantitative Business?" .. students are not only encouraged to pose this question but also actively generate their own answer during the course. I approach teaching quantitative classes with a firm view on its business applications. Theory is best illustrated with everyday experiences and examples. My objective is to train students so that they can apply their learning in the real world i.e., starting from simple examples to advanced research projects. In this way they not only learn the techniques well but are also equipped to apply the concepts in their professional life beyond Siena.

What I Love About Siena

I love the teaching and the learning atmosphere that Siena provides. Our students are eager to learn, very respectful, and they create a very good learning atmosphere. The faculty is also very friendly and collegial.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

My favorite courses are Mathematics & Statistics and it's wide applications in Business and Economics, specifically: QB-100, QB-110, QB-200 and MGMT-300. Especially, I love to teach the statistical tools and applications that we teach in QB-200 and MGMT-300 that empowers students for their future profession.

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2017 - Now Associate Professor of Quantitative Business Analysis Siena College
2006 - 2017 Assistant Professor of Quantitative Business Analysis Siena College
1997 - 2004 Lecturer/Adjunct Professor in Economics and Statistics University at Albany, SUNY
1997 - 2006 Economist New York State Assembly
1996 - 1997 Research Associate Samuel Stratton VA Medical Center Administration
1995 - 1996 Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1992 - 1992 Research Analyst New York State Lottery and Center for Economic Research
1985 - 1985 Technical Analyst Indian Statistical Institute / Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited
1985 - 1989 Assistant Director - Department of Statistics, Ministry of Planning Government of India

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Artificial Intelligence Family to Modern Business
    Internal Auditing
    September, 2022
  • Perception Study of Customers of a Global Fast Food Restaurant in India and USA
    International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, vol. 26
    July, 2022
  • Will perception of customers of McDonald's fast food restaurant be different in India and USA? – A comparative study between the two countries' culture
    International Journal of Export Marketing, vol. 4
    May, 2021
  • Factors That Make a Super Bowl Commercials Highly Rated
    International Academy of Business and Public Administrative Disciplines Conference
  • Quality and Performance of Ambulance Diversion
    SIMSR Asia Marketing Conference
  • Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions: A Look at Pre and Post 2008 Recession Data
    Journal of International Management Studies, vol. 18
    April, 2018
  • How Brand Awareness of fast-food restaurants differ from country to country, and its effects on the purchasing decisions of consumers
    Asia Pacific International Conference, Mumbai, India
  • Quality and Performance of Ambulance Diversion
    Asia Pacific International Conference, Mumbai, India
  • Financially At Risk: College Students' Credit Card Usage: A Look at Risks, Opportunities and Failings
    Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, vol. 17
    October, 2017
  • Gamma Laptops: Call Center Dilemma
    Journal Of International Academy For Case Studies
    International Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership, vol. 7
  • An Analysis of College Students'Credit Card Usage
    Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, vol. 4
    October, 2011
  • College Students' Texting Habit and Their GPA
    Allied Academics International Conference, vol. 16
    October, 2011
  • An Analysis of College Students' Credit Card Usage
    IntellectBase International Consortium
  • Cell Phone Usage and College Students' Academic Performance
    Hawaii Global Conference on Business and Finance
  • A Theoretical and Statistical Look at the Self-Employment Sector
    IntellectBase International Consortium, vol. 13
    December, 2010
  • The Role of Perception in Predicting Women Entrepreneurial Start-Ups' Behavior and Success
    Journal of International Business & Economics, vol. 9
    October, 2009
  • Students' Selection, Participation and Performance in Undergraduate Math Courses: Direct and Indirect Influences
    International Journal of Education Research, vol. 4
  • Effect of Alcohol on College Grades
    International Academy of Business and Economics Conference, vol. 3
    October, 2007
  • Relative Performance of Pre-test Estimators in the Presence of Misspecification and Unit Root
    American Statistical Association, vol. 1996
  • Do Students With Their Healthy Habits Perform Better In Their Academics
    Allied Academics International Conference, vol. 13
    Fall, 2008
  • Factors Affecting Retention at a Private Four Year College
    International Journal of Education Research
    Fall, 2016
  • Gender Role Perceptions and Job satisfaction Levels
    Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, vol. 10
    Fall/Winter, 2010
  • The Impact of Social, Economic and Genetic Factors on Students' Alcohol Consumption Decision
    Academy of Information And Management Sciences Journal, vol. 14
    Spring, 2011
  • Using Decision Tree Analysis to Predict Women's Entrepreneurial Choices
    Academy of Information And Management Sciences Journal, vol. 14
    Spring, 2011
  • Wait Time Cost at Airport Security Check Up and Optimal Number of Security Channels: A Simulation
    Journal Of International Academy For Case Studies
    Fall, 2016
  • Women Entrepreneurship in the United States: The latest look at the Statistical Figures
    IntellectBase International Consortium, vol. 13
    Fall, 2010

Awards & Distinctions

  •  Invited as a speaker at the annual conference of Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, January, 2023
    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, 2023
  • Investigating factors behind refusing to take the COVID vaccine
    Category: Research
    The Institute for Business and Finance Research, 2022
  • President
    Category: Service-Professional
    New York State Economic Association, 2014
  • President
    Category: Service-Professional
    New York State Economic Association, 2014
  • Vice President
    Category: Service-Professional
    New York State Economic Association, 2012
  • Awarded Summer Scholar research Grant to research on the topic: Has Consumer's Perception of Quality Changed Due to the 'Toyota Recall'? Two students Tara Viola and Michael Lorusso worked with me on this project.
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2010
  • Awarded Summer Scholar research Grant to research on the topic: Analysis of Targeted Advertising for Lotto? Three students Julianne Muller, Caryn Henelly and Katie Harrigan worked with me on this project.
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2008
  • Information Literacy Faculty Development Grant was awarded for the proposal 'Bridging the Theory of Operations Management and it's Application in the Real Business World Through Information Literacy'.
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2007
  • Summer Research Grant to work on the topic 'Analysis of Hedge Funds: Can they beat the performance of S&P 500?
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2007

Books & Book Chapters

  • Case-Studies on Rule-Based Expert System in Artificial Intelligence

  • Collected Papers in Honor of Nikhilesh Bhattacharya
    Allied Publishers


  • What data says about the reason for some people to refuse COVID Vaccine?
    January, 2022
    SIMSR Asia Marketing Conference, Mumbai, India
  • Investigating factors behind refusing to take the COVID vaccine
    The Institute for Business and Finance Research, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Factors that caused COVID-19 to grow in different states of the USA: An exploration through Data Analytics
    October, 2020
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, New York City, New York
  • Quality and Performance of Ambulance Diversion
    April, 2020
    Institute for Global Business Research, Virtual, Virtual
  • Military Expenditures and its Effect on a Country's Welfare
    Institute for Global Business Research, Virtual, Virtual
  • Investigating the Factors that affect the Risk of Car Crash Fatality in the USA
    September, 2019
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Rochester, New York
  • Correlation Between Job Satisfaction and Other Factors
    July, 2019
    International Conference on Management, Economics & Social Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Factors that make a Super Bowl Commercial highly rated
    July, 2019
    International Academy of Business and Public Administrative Disciplines Conference, Athens, Greece
  • How Brand Awareness of fast-food restaurants differ from country to country, and its effects on the purchasing decisions of consumers
    January, 2018
    Asia Pacific International Conference, Mumbai, India, Mumbai, India
  • Investigation of a Relationship Between Defense and Welfare Expenditures for the Developed and Under Developed Nations
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Rochester, New York
  • Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions: A look at Pre and Post 2008 Recession Data
    December, 2017
    International Conference on Economics and Business Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Factors Affecting Length of Stay in Homeless Shelters: A Data Centric Approach Using HMIS Data
    October, 2017
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, New York City, New York
  • Factors Affecting Smoking Behavior in New York
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Farmingdale, New York
  • Construction of Cost of Living Index and Use It to Find Relative Minimum Wage for all States
    October, 2016
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Farmingdale, New York
  • Productivity on the Diamond
    July, 2016
    Allied Academics Internet Conference, Toronto, Canada
  • Wait Time Cost at Airport Security Check Up and Optimal Number of Security Channels: A Simulation
    July, 2016
    Allied Academics Internet Conference, Toronto, Canada
  • Determinants of Student Retention
    January, 2016
    Asia Pacific International Conference, Mumbai, India, Mumbai, India
  • Economic Factors Affecting the Well Being of Country
    October, 2015
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Economics  of  Subjective  Well­Being
    October, 2015
    International Academy of Business and Public Administrative Disciplines Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Introduction to the World of International Women Entrepreneurs
    August, 2015
    Academic OASIS/IAABR-Orlando International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Determinants of a College Basketball Team's Revenue
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Albany, New York
  • Socio Economic Factors behind Soccer winning Nations
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Albany, New York
  • Effect of Texting During Class on Undergraduate Business Students' Academic Performance
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Farmingdale, New York
  • Performance of Hedge funds
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Farmingdale, New York
  • An Analysis of College Students' Credit Card Usage
    October, 2011
    IntellectBase International Consortium, Atlanta, Georgia
  • College Students' Texting Habit and Their GPA
    October, 2011
    Allied Academics International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • A Measure to Identify Bubble Formation in Real Estate Market
    September, 2011
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Rochester, New York
  • Beyond the Suit and Resume, Leveraging Online Reputation for Career Success
    June, 2011
    National Career Development Conference, San Antonio, Texas
  • A Multicountry Analysis on Women Entrepreneurship: Lessons from Multiple Perspectives
    January, 2011
    International Academy of Business and Public Administrative Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • The Effect of Alcohol on College students' Educational Attainment Levels Exploring the Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and College Students' Educational Attainment Levels
    January, 2011
    International Academy of Business and Public Administrative Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Using Probit Analysis to Analyze College Students' Credit Card Usage
    January, 2011
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Cell Phone Usage and College Students' Academic Performance
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • A Theoretical and Statistical Look at the Self Employment Sector
    December, 2010
    IntellectBase International Consortium, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Women Entrepreneurship in the United States: The Latest Look at the Statistical Figures
    IntellectBase International Consortium, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Do Students With Healthy Habits Perform Better In Their Academics?
    October, 2008
    Allied Academics International Conference, Reno, Nevada
  • Factors Influencing College Tuition Hikes in the USA
    October, 2008
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Ithaca, New York
  • Determining Factors that Cause the Rise of Tuition
    January, 2008
    Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities in New York, Undergraduate Research Exposition, Albany, New York
  • Hope, Skill or Fun? An Empirical Investigation of Lotto Buying Behavior
    January, 2008
    SIMSR Asia Marketing Conference, Mumbai, India
  • Students' Selection, Participation and Performance in Undergraduate Math Courses: Direct and Indirect Influences
    January, 2008
    International Academy of Business and Public Administrative Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Effect of Alcohol on College Grades
    October, 2007
    International Academy of Business and Economics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • What Determines a College Student's GPA and his/her Interest in Attending Non-traditional Classes
    October, 2007
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Albany, New York
  • Effect of Healthy Habits on Academic Performance
    September, 2007
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Construction of a Cost of Living Index and Adjusting Balance of Payments for States
    September, 2006
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Relative Performance of Pre-test Estimators in the Presence of Misspecification and Unit Root
    August, 1996
    American Statistical Association, Chicago, Illinois