Back to Faculty Directory
Degree Program University
Ph.D. Marketing Louisiana State University
M.S. Electronic Business Management The University of Warwick
B.S. Information & Computing Science Jiangnan University

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2019 - Now Associate Professor of Marketing Siena College
2013 - 2019 Assistant Professor of Marketing Siena College
2010 - 2012 Instructor Louisiana State University
2006 - 2008 Marketing Communications Manager China Telecom
2005 - 2005 Online Specialist British Telecom
2004 - 2005 Research Assistant Mercia Institute of Enterprise at the University of Warwick

Current Research

Consumer Choice Behavior, Preference, Consumer Decision Making; Personal Selling and Sales Management; Online Word-of-Mouth, Mobile Marketiing, Relationship Marketinig

Articles & Book Reviews

  • The Impact of Perceived Self-Skill Levels on Product Choice:An Exploratory Study of the Moderating Influence of Mood
    Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol. 24
    November, 2022
  • Mathematical Modeling of Optimal Allocation of Remote Workforce: An Interdisciplinary Investigation with Hofstede's Cultural Factors and Managerial Ability
    Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, vol. 30
    April, 2022
  • The Impact of Psychological Distance and Emotional Appeal on the Effectiveness of Social Marketing Messages
    2019 9th International Conference on Business and Economics Research (ICBER 2019)
  • Effects of culture and financial literacy among Chinese-Americans on participating in financial services
    Journal Of Financial Services Marketing, vol. 23
  • How National Culture Affect Students' Preference of Different Educational Models
    International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC)
  • Sustainability and Its Effects on Organizational Behavior in the Automotive Industry
    the 2018 5th International Conference on Economics, Society and Management
  • Chinese-American Consumption of Financial Service: A Cultural Framework
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, vol. 7
    August, 2017
  • Western Consumers' Perception of Chinese Brand: the Impact of Chinese Brand Spokes-Characters on Brand Equity
    the 2017 International Conference "China Innovation and Global Integration: Silicon Valley and Beyond
  • Psychological Ownership as a Crisis Management Advertising Appeal – Antecedents, Outcomes, and Moderators
    Journal Of Marketing Communications, vol. 23
  • The Effects of Perceived Self-Skill Levels on Product Choice: the Moderating Role of Mood
    2016 Global Symposium on Social Sciences
  • A Typology of Consumer Preference Parabolas
    American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, vol. 26
    August, 2015
  • The Effects of Source Credibility on Consumers' Persuasion Knowledge: Activation and Use of Persuasion Knowledge in the Online Advertising Context
    Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony
  • Incorporating the Customer Perspective in CLV Models: An Exploratory Study of Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Coupons
    Society for Marketing Advances Conference
    November, 2014
  • Team-Orientation vs. Self-Orientation: An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of Salespeople's Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation
    Global Business and Social Science Research Conference
  • User Reviews and Uncertainty Assessment: A Two-Stage Model of Consumers' Willingness-To-Pay in Online Markets
    Decision Support Systems, vol. 55
    April, 2013
  • An Exploratory Study of Consumer Attitudes Toward Mobile Coupons in Relationship Marketing
    Academy of Marketing Science
    May, 2011
  • Crisis Management Advertising Effectiveness: The Impact of Psychological Ownership and Message Abstractness
    Academy of Marketing Science
    May, 2011
  • The Effects of Relative Self-Assessment on Choice: Testing Alternative Explanations
    Southeast Marketing Symposium
  • eWOM and Risk Return in Online Markets: A Joint Study on Seller Review and Product Review
    INFORMS Marketing Science Conference

Awards & Distinctions

  • "The Impact of Psychological Distance and Construal Level on the Effectiveness of Social Marketing Messages"
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2019
  • "Cultural influences on Chinese-American in Participating in Financial Services"
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2016

Books & Book Chapters

  • The Fundamentals of E-Marketiing After the Hype
    Palgrave & Macmillain
  • The Fundamentals of E-Marketing After the Hype
    Palgrave & MacMillan


  • Inclusive Imagery in Advertising: How Viewers' Persuasion Knowledge Affects Their Emotional Response to Gender and Ethnic Identity in Advertisements
    July, 2023
    The 2023 13th International Conference on Business and Economics Research (ICBER 2023), Beijing, China-PRC
  • How Feelings of Responsibility Vary across Ownership Types
    May, 2023
    Academy of Marketing Science, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Effects of Culture and Management Ability on Remote Working Development
    October, 2021
    Academy of Business Research, San Antonio, Texas
  • The Impact of Psychological Distance and Emotional Appeal on the Effectiveness of Social Marketing Messages
    2019 9th International Conference on Business and Economics Research (ICBER 2019), Beijing, China-PRC
  • How National Culture Affect Students' Preference of Different Educational Models
    October, 2018
    International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC), New York, United States of America
  • Sustainability and Its Effects on Organizational Behavior in the Automotive Industry
    the 2018 5th International Conference on Economics, Society and Management, Beijing, China-PRC
  • Western Consumers' Perception of Chinese Brand: the Impact of Chinese Brand Spokes-Characters on Brand Equity
    the 2017 International Conference, Beijing, China-PRC
  • The Effects of Perceived Self-Skill Levels on Product Choice: the Moderating Role of Mood
    the 2016 Global Symposium on Social Sciences (IBSSS), Beijing, China-PRC
  • A Typology of Consumer Preference Parabolas
    the 2015 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, Illinois
  • Incorporating the Customer Perspective in CLV Models: An Exploratory Study of Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Coupons
    the Society for Marketing Advances Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Team-Orientation vs. Self-Orientation: An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of Salespeople's Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation
    the 10th Global Business and Social Science Research Conference, Beijing, China-PRC
  • An exploratory Study of Consumer Attitudes toward Mobile Coupons in Relationship Marketing
    the Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, Florida
  • Crisis Management Advertising Effectiveness: The Impact of Psychological Ownership and Message Abstractness
    Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, Florida
  • The Effects of Relative Self-Assessment on Choice: Testing Alternative Explanations
    Southeast Marketing Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee
  • eWOM and Risk Return in Online Markets: A Joint Study on Seller Review and Product Review
    INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan