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Jessica Salmon is an Assistant Professor of Management at Siena College in Upstate New York. She is the coordinator for the International Business Concentration. She earned her Ph.D. in International Business at Rutgers University. Her research interests include technological and locational complexity, collaboration, responsible business practices, and corruption in international business. In the Siena College MBA program, she teaches Responsible Global Leadership and International Business Management. She also teaches International Management and Management Principles at the undergraduate level. Her research activities have been nominated for awards and has recently been published in International Journal of Emerging Markets, Rutgers Business Review, and others. Two of her co-authored textbook chapters on technological and locational complexity have appeared in Advancing the Frontiers of Alliance Research and in International Business in the Information and Digital Age. Prior to academia she owned several small businesses. 

Degree Program University
Ph.D. International Business Rutgers University
Graduate Certificate Business and Marketing Education The College of Saint Rose
M.B.A. Master of Business Administration The College of Saint Rose
Bachelor Equine Science and Management Morrisville State College
A.A.S. Equine Science and Management Morrisville State College

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2023 - Now Associate Professor Siena College
2017 - Now Assistant Professor of Management Siena College

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Corruption Distance Discourages Bilateral FDI... Unless You're High: The Moderating Effect of Direction
    The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development: An International and Comparative Review
  • Teaching international business skills across US and Kenya: A model for international collaboration
    Journal Of Teaching In International Business, vol. 33
    October, 2022
  • Factors Influencing Retention of Students for Independent School Re-Enrollment
    Journal of Research on Christian Education
    February, 2022
  • Global Knowledge Centrality: Co-inventor Collaboration with China
    International Journal of Emerging Markets
    November, 2021
  • Science, Market, and Politics: How Corruption Is Manifesting in the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Rutgers Business Review, vol. 7
    Spring, 2022

Awards & Distinctions

  • Faculty Member of the Year Award
    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    Center for Academic Community Engagement, Siena College, 2023
  • 2021 Temple University / Academy of International Business Best Paper Award
    Category: Research
    Academy of International Business, Annual Conference, 2022
  • Best Paper in the Management & Marketing Track, Faculty Advisor
    Category: Research
    Ted Winnowski Student Conference in Business, 2018

Books & Book Chapters

  • Frontiers of Strategic Alliance Research: Negotiating, Structuring, and Governing Partnerships
    Cambridge University Press
  • International Business in the Information and Digital Age
    Emerald Group Publishing of the United Kingdom
  • The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management
    Palgrave Macmillan


  • Environmental Policy Stringency and FDI: A Deterrence or an Attraction?
    April, 2023
    Academy of International Business Chapter Conference, Glasgow, Scotland
  • The Formation and Evolution of International Social Innovation Projects
    April, 2023
    Academy of International Business Chapter Conference, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Inter-City Networks and ICT Innovation Performance: The Limits of Knowledge Brokerage
    July, 2022
    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Miami, Florida
  • Measuring social innovation impact across a Global North-Global South connection
    September, 2021
    International Social Innovation Research Conference, Milan, Italy
  • Meta-visions for mega-challenges: Universities as vision incubators for forming and scaling social innovation initiatives
    September, 2021
    International Social Innovation Research Conference, Milan, Italy
  • Corruption Distance: (Dis)Incentivizing Global FDI Flows
    June, 2021
    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Miami, Florida
  • Improving Global Knowledge Centrality: The Role of Co-inventor Collaboration with China.
    June, 2021
    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Miami, Florida
  • Factors that Influence Equitable Global North and Global South Social Innovation Collaboration
    January, 2020
    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Miami, FL, Online, United States of America
  • Factors that Influence Successful Global North and Global South International Social Innovation Engagement: A University-Nonprofit Collaboration Model
    January, 2020
    Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norway
  • ICT Driven Divergence of Knowledge Complexity and Location Complexity
    January, 2020
    Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norway
  • The Geography of ICT-Driven Divergence of Knowledge Complexity and Location Complexity
    January, 2020
    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Miami, FL, Online, United States of America
  • The role of ICT in rising knowledge complexity and the geographic dispersion of knowledge sourcing
    October, 2018
    International Business, Economic Geography, and Innovation Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Defining, Measuring, and Representing Complexity through Knowledge and Location.
    June, 2018
    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Defining, Measuring, and Examining Knowledge and Location Complexity.
    February, 2018
    Geography of Innovation Conference, Barcelona, Spain
  • Location Sourcing Complexity in Innovation
    December, 2017
    European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Milan, Italy
  • Novelty in Co-Location
    December, 2017
    International Business, Economic Geography, and Innovation Conference, Venice, Italy