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Professor Jesse Moya has taken on several roles as an educator, including: high school teacher; director of K-8 educational programs at Stanford University; community educator for adolescents in a youth activism organization; and a graduate teaching assistant and researcher at UCLA. Professor Moya's current research focuses on the learning and development that take place as urban Latino youth participate in community-based activism organizations. Other interests include equity in college access, with a focus on urban students’ opportunities to engage with advanced technology. Professor Moya has a B.A. from Stanford University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Education from UCLA.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Urban Education UCLA
M.A. Educational Psychology UCLA
B.A. Political Science Stanford University

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

In the classroom, I utilize strategies to make lessons interactive and relevant to students' lived experiences. I believe that both students and the teacher should play an active role in the teaching and learning that takes place during any class session. My courses seek to foster student intellectual engagement with issues in education, equity and social justice.

What I Love About Siena

I like the relatively small course sizes that give students the opportunity to actively engage in classroom activities.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

I enjoy all my courses, but Introduction to Contemporary Issues has been a favorite

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2018 - Now Associate Professor of Education Siena College
2012 - 2018 Assistant Professor Siena College
2010 - 2011 Web Publisher Institute for Democracy, Education, & Access (IDEA) at UCLA
2008 - 2010 Research Assistant Institute for Democracy, Education, & Access (IDEA) at UCLA
2007 - 2007 Teacher UCLA, Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity SMARTS High School Summer Program
2006 - 2008 Research Assistant Institute for Democracy, Education, & Access (IDEA) at UCLA
2005 - 2006 Research Assistant UCLA
2000 - 2005 Stanford Ravenswood Partnership Coordinator Stanford University, Haas Center for Public Service
1998 - 2000 High School Teacher Excelsior Education Center
1997 - 1998 Program Coordinator Youth Community Service
1994 - 1997 Tutor Coordinator Stanford University, Barrio Assistance

Articles & Book Reviews

  • "I Can Do That Too": Factors Influencing a Sense of Belonging for Females in High School Computer Science Classrooms.
    ACM Technical Symposium for Computer Science Education
  • Gender and Computer Science: Factors Influencing a Sense of Belonging in High School Courses
  • "Never going to be my family": Race, class, and belonging amongst first generation college students
  • Building CS Teacher Capacity Through Comprehensive College/High School Partnerships
    ACM Technical Symposium for Computer Science Education
  • Cultivating Institutional Connections: Bureaucratic Challenges for First Generation Students in Small Liberal Arts Settings.
    American Educational Research Association
  • 'I've Put Up a Fight to Make Myself Belong Here': First Generation College Students Crafting a Sense of Belonging
  • Structural Influences on Critical Civic Development: Comparisons Across Classroom and Youth Organizing Spaces
  • From Naïve Non-Participation to Transformative Civic Leadership: Towards a Model of Critical Civic Development
  • What Does it Mean to Belong?: First Generation Students Negotiating a Sense of Belonging in Elite College Settings
  • Fostering Aspirational and Practice-linked Identities as Critical Civic Leaders: Comparing Critical Civic Development in the Classroom and Youth Organizing
  • Agents of Change, Even When They're Not in Charge: Apprenticing Youth in Community-based Organizing
  • Apprenticeships in Power and Critique: Comparing Youth Critical Civic Development in the Classroom and Community
  • Came for Chips, Stayed for Social Change: Critical Civic development in a Youth Community-Based Activism Organization
  • The Links Between Care and Student Engagement: Care as a Key Component to Promoting College, Career and Community Readiness in Linked Learning Schools.
  • Practicing Praxis: Examining the Pedagogy and Student Outcomes of Youth Community-based Activism
  • Becoming Critical Civic Activists: Cultivating Transformational Resistance through Community Youth Organizing
  • Computing in Context: Low-Income Latino Youth in an Advanced Placement Computer Science High School Classroom
  • Mentoring partnerships in a community technology centre: A constructionist approach for fostering equitable service learning
    Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, vol. 16
  • Mentoring Partnerships in a Community Technology Center: A Constructionist Approach for Fostering Equitable Service Learning
  • Building supportive communities of first-generation college students to promote successful first-year transitions
    American Educational Research Association
    Spring, 2018
  • Examining how Youth Take on Critical Civic Identities Across Classroom and Youth Organizing Spaces
    Critical Questions in Education, vol. 8
    Fall, 2017

Awards & Distinctions

  •  This award recognizes the contribution of a tenure-track faculty member in the School of Liberal Arts to the life of the college through outstanding service that exceeds the ordinary expectation of faculty at Siena College.
    Category: Service-University
    Siena College School of Liberal Arts, 2017
  • Committee on Teaching and Faculty Development (COTFD) Pedagogy Fellowship
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2014
  • Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award
    Category: Research
    UCLA, 2009
  • Graduate School of Education & Information Studies Dean's Scholars Fund Fellowship
    Category: Other
    UCLA, 2007
  • Lyons Award for Community Service
    Category: Service-Community
    Stanford University, 1997

Books & Book Chapters

  • Why Kids Love (And Hate) School: Reflections on Difference
    Myers Education Press