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I am a graduate of Siena College and completed a Masters and Ph.D. at UAlbany. I worked as a statistician and computer decision modeler in industry and state government before coming to Siena to teach in both the Business Analytics and Computer Science Departments. My research has been recognized both nationally and internationally. I have served as department head of the Business Analytics and Actuarial Science department and Dean of the Business School.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Public Administration University at Albany, SUNY
C.A.S. Planning and Policy Analysis University at Albany, SUNY
M.B.A. Management Information Systems and Finance University at Albany, SUNY
B.S. Physics Siena College

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching is influenced by the fact that students have different learning styles, academic preparation, and subject interests. In light of these factors, I use several different teaching techniques and motivational tools to help students reach their academic potential. I believe every student has the ability to learn and appreciate any subject they are introduced to.

What I Love About Siena

What I love most about Siena is the emphasis on liberal arts learning and Franciscan values. No matter what one's major is, in order to have a successful professional life and satisfying personal life, I believe it is essential to combine the liberal arts and Franciscan values with study in the major.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

My favorite courses to teach are Business Statistics, Operations Management, Management Information Systems, and First Year Seminar.

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2003 - 2010 Dean, School of Business Siena College
1998 - 2001 Dean, School of Business Siena College
1996 - 1997 Research Fellow in Intelligent Decision Support The Rensselaerville Institute
1993 - 1996 Associate Dean, School of Business Siena College
1991 - Now Professor of Business Analytics, Actuarial Science, and Computer Science Siena College
1988 - 1991 Associate Professor of Quantitative Business Analysis Siena College
1985 - 1993 Department Head, Quantitative Business Analysis Siena College
1982 - 1989 Assistant Professor of Quantitative Business Analysis Siena College
1980 - 1982 Adjunct Professor in Computer Science Russell Sage College
1979 - 1982 Program Research Specialist III New York State Department of Health
1978 - 1979 Biostatistician New York State Department of Health
1976 - 1978 Quality Control Specialist Standard Oil of California

Current Research

Presented papers and published numerous journal articles in the fields of statistical modeling and decision support systems. Research work has been recognized by the American Statistical Association and the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Women Entreprenuers in the Film Industry: Obstacles, Challenges, and Opportunities
    International Conference on Globalization, Entrpreneurship and Emerging Economies, vol. 13
    December, 2022
  • A Tale of Success: Embedding Remediation and Curricular Design
    Numeracy, vol. 15
    March, 2022
  • Analyzing the Financial Burden of Using Student Loans to Finance a College Education
    Global Journal of Accounting and Finance, vol. 5
    May, 2021
  • Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions: A Look at Pre and Post 2008 Recession Data
    Journal of International Management Studies, vol. 18
    April, 2018
  • Financially At Risk: College Students' Credit Card Usage: A Look at Risks, Opportunities and Failings
    Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, vol. 17
    October, 2017
  • An In-Depth Look at Women Entrepreneurs in a Caribbean Country: Cayman Islands
    EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues, vol. 4
    June, 2016
  • Introduction to the World of International Women Entrepreneurs
    International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, vol. 4
    April, 2016
  • An In-Depth Look at Women Entrepreneurs in a Caribean Country: Cayman Islands
    International Conference on Social Science, Literature and Education
  • On the pricing of Chinese Stocks
    International Business & Economics Research Journal, vol. 12
    February, 2013
  • Determinants of Chinese Stocks' Risk Premiums
    Las Vegas International Academic Conference
    October, 2012
  • An Analysis of College Students'Credit Card Usage
    Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, vol. 4
    October, 2011
  • Determinants of Emerging Markets' Commercial Bank Stock Returns
    Global Journal of Business Research, vol. 4
  • Factors Predicting the Success of an Internship program: Should there be a Requirement for Particpation
    Academy of Business Administration National Conference
  • Funding New Business Ventures: Differences in Minority and Non Minority Family-Owned Business' Access to Start-Up Capital
    International Academy of Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Funding New Business Ventures: Differences in Minority and Non-Minority Family-Owned Business' Access to Start-Up Capital
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 1
  • A Brief History of Applied Statistics in the Government Setting: One ASA Chapter's History
    Joint Statistical Meeting
    August, 2002
  • Computer Systems that Learn: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Noise on the Performance of Three Classification Methods
    Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Proceedings of the 34th Symposium on the Interface
    April, 2002
  • Computer Systems that Learn: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Noise on the Performance of Three Classification Methods
    Expert Systems With Applications: An International Journal, vol. 23
  • Using Soft Computing to Build Real World Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Uncertain Domains
    Decision Support Systems, vol. 31
  • Technology Assisted Course Embedded Assessment
    Computers on Campus National Conference
    November, 2000
  • Introducting and Supporting Information Technology Tools in the Classroom
    Computers on Campus National Conference
    November, 1999
  • A Conceptual Model and an Intelligent Fuzzy Decision Support System
    Heuristics,m The Journal of Intelligent Technologies, vol. 10
  • An Expert Fuzzy Classification Systems for Supporting the Grading of Student Writing Samples
    AI Magazine, vol. 15
  • An Intelligent System for Case Review and Risk Assessment in Social Services
    Expert Systems With Applications: An International Journal, vol. 19
  • DISXPERT: A Rule-Based Vocational Rehabilitation Decision Support System
    Expert Systems With Applications: An International Journal, vol. 12
  • Expert Systems Technology Can Benefit Service Operations
    Innovating, vol. 6
  • Female Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Size Enterprise Growth: Evidence from Congo
    International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, vol. 13
    Fall, 2020
  • Relationships Between College Costs and College Funding: Evidence from the United States
    Business Education & Accreditation, vol. 11
    Fall, 2019

Awards & Distinctions

  • Fr. Matthew Conlin OFM Distinguished Service Award
    Category: Service-University
    Siena College, 2018
  • James Knust Award for Excellence in Administration
    Category: Other
    Siena College, 2007
  •  Best Paper Award shared with Andrea Smith-Hunter
    Category: Research
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, 2002
  • Best Paper Award
    Category: Research
    International Business & Economics Research Conference, 2002
  • Finalist, Raymond Kennedy Excellence in Scholarship Award
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2002
  • Finalist
    Category: Teaching
    Jerome Walton Teaching Excellence Award, 1995
  • Innovative Applications Award
    Category: Research
    American Association of Artificial Intelligence, 1995
  • Outstanding Chapter Member Award
    Category: Service-Professional
    American Statistical Association, 1989
  •  My dissertation was named one of the 20 best dissertations in Public Administration published in 1986
    Category: Research
    American Society of Public Administration, 1986

Books & Book Chapters

  • Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence Technology Transfer Series: EXPERSYS-98
    IITT International
  • Expert Systems Applications in Artificial Intelligence Technology Transfer Series
    IITT International
  • Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence Technology Transfer Series
    IITT International


  • Occupational Trends in the United States: An Analysis Across Gender and Racial Lines
    April, 2023
    International Conference in Business and Economic Development, Brooklyn, New York
  • Women Entreprenuers in the Film Industry: Obstacles, Challenges, and Opportunities
    December, 2022
    International Conference on Globalization, Entrpreneurship and Emerging Economies, Virtual, Virtual
  • How Are Economic, Social and Political Variables Affected in Different Latin American and Caribbean Countries?
    January, 2021
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Virtual, Virtual
  • Factors Associated with College Athletes and Student Loans
    May, 2020
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Virtual, Virtual
  • Students Using Student Loans to Finance a College Education
    April, 2020
    Business Research Consortium, Virtual, Virtual
  • Female Entrepreneurship and Growth of SMEs in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    December, 2018
    International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education, New York, New York
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between College Student Funding and Varying Factors
    November, 2018
    West East Institute (WEI) International Academic Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada
  • Women Entrepreneurship and Growth of SMEs in Bukavu Town - Democratic Republic of Congo
    August, 2018
    International Conference on Economics and Business Management, Toronto, Canada
  • International Women Entrepreneurs in the Technology Industry: A Look at Key Statistical Analyses
    June, 2018
    International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET), Washington, District of Columbia
  • Investigation of a Relationship Between Defense and Welfare Expenditures for the Developed and Under Developed Nations
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Rochester, New York
  • Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions: A look at Pre and Post 2008 Recession Data
    December, 2017
    International Conference on Economics and Business Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Introduction to the World of International Women Entrepreneurs
    August, 2015
    Academic OASIS/IAABR-Orlando International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • An Analysis of College Students' Credit Card Usage
    IntellectBase International Consortium, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Cell Phone Usage and College Students' Academic Performance
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Using Probit Analysis to Analyze College Students' Credit Card Usage
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Determinants of Emerging Market Commercial Bank Stock Returns
    May, 2009
    Costa Rica Global Conference on Business and Finance, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • A Brief History of Applied Statistics in the Governement Setting: One ASA Chapter's History
    American Statistical Association, New York, New York
  • Computer Systems that Learn: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Noise on Performance of Three Classifications Methods
    Interface Society National Meeting, Albany, New York
  • Funding New Business Ventures: Differences in Minority and Non-Minority Family Owned Business' Access to Start-Up Capital
    International Academy of Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada