Back to Faculty Directory
Degree Program University
M.S. Computer Science SUNY Albany
M.A. Mathematics SUNY-Albany
Other Permanent Secondary Teaching Certif New York State
B.S. Mathematics Montclair State College

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
1996 - 2014 Professor, Mathematics Siena College
1994 - 1997 Adjunct Professor, Mathematics Rensselaer Poly.Inst
1993 - Now Professor, Computer Science Siena College
1990 - 1997 Professor, Mathematics Capital District Step
1989 - 1989 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science SUNY-Albany
1988 - 1993 Associate Professor, Computer Science Siena College
1985 - 1991 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Rensselaer Poly.Inst
1982 - 1988 Assistant Professor, Computer Science Siena College
1978 - 1978 Instructor, Mathematics West Caldwell Schs
1978 - 1982 Instructor, Mathematics Chatham Central Schools

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Supporting CS10K: A New Computer Science Methods Course for Mathematics Education Students
    45th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
  • Making Engaging, Inquiry Based Linkages Between Computer Science and Mathematics
    Proceedings of the 40th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
  • New (and old) Games for Computational Fluency with Whole Numbers and Fractions
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • Reasoning Redoubled! Three Novel Logic Problems
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • Questioning Algorithmic Teaching
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • The AMTNYS Problem Solving Challenge - Solutions
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • The AMTNYS Problem Solving Challenge
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • A History of A.M.T.N.Y.S. - The First 50 Years
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • The President's Message
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • The President's Message
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal
  • The President's Message
    New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal

Awards & Distinctions

  • Featured speaker at NCTM, MAA, AMTNYS and other conferences
    Category: Other
    Featured speaker at NCTM, MAA, AMTNYS and other conferences, 2010
  • Inaugural Inductee into the New York State Mathematics Educators Hall of Fame
    Category: Other
    Inaugural Inductee into the New York State Mathematics Educators Hall of Fame, 2008
  • Siena College Teaching Award
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College Teaching Award, 1996
  • NYNEX Excellence in Education Award
    Category: Teaching
    NYNEX Excellence in Education Award, 1994


  • Frogs, Chickens, and other Counting Problems
    January, 2015
    How to Make Math Count Conference, Rockville Center, New York
  • Keynote presentation: How to Count, Learn What Counts, Counting on the Common Core
    January, 2015
    How to Make Math Count Conference, Rockville Center, New York
  • A Gentle Introduction to Writing Proofs via Problem Solving
    November, 2014
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Houston, Texas
  • A Gentle Introduction to the Common Core Standard of Constructing Viable Arguments and Critiquing the Reasoning of Others
    November, 2014
    64th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Syracuse, New York
  • An Introduction to Turning Your Classroom into a Problem Solving Center
    November, 2014
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • Featured Closing Presentation: What Did Led Zeppelin Predict?, What Did They Recommend?, and 29 Other Important Questions for Mathematics Educators
    November, 2014
    64th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Syracuse, New York
  • Making the Geometry and Algebra Connection with Great Problems
    November, 2014
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • More Great Materials for Turning Your Classroom into a Problem Solving Center
    November, 2014
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • Success in High-Needs Schools with Standards for Mathematical Practice
    November, 2014
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Houston, Texas
  • A Gentle Introduction to Writing Proofs via Problem Solving
    October, 2014
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Meeting Mathematical Practice Standards with Great Problems for Every Student
    October, 2014
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey (Celebrating 100 Years) Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey
  • Project Based Mathematics
    October, 2014
    Diocese of Albany Catholic Schools Professional Development Day Conference, Schenectady, New York
  • Success in High-Needs Schools with Standards for Mathematical Practice
    October, 2014
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Developing Algebraic Reasoning with Frogs, Towers, Geometry, and Nuggets
    July, 2014
    Mid-Hudson Mathematics Teachers Summer Circle Conference, Annendale-on-Hudson, New York
  • Getting Physical with Mathematical Problem Solving
    July, 2014
    National Summer Math Foundation Summer Institute, Ithaca, New York
  • Keynote Presentation: Minimize the Flogging - Maximize the Frogging for a Successful Mathematics Program
    July, 2014
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New England Summer Math Academy at Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Using Problem Solving to Improve Reasoning and Proof
    July, 2014
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New England Summer Math Academy at Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Keynote presentation: The Common Core Standards and What They Might Mean for Undergraduate Mathematics and the Preparation of Teachers
    June, 2014
    SUNY Plattsburgh C-TEN and North Country Teacher Center Mathematics and the Common Core Conference, Plattsburgh, New York
  • Mirroring Professional Mathematicians by Holding a School Math Conference
    June, 2014
    NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Featured Session - Trains, Rice, and Lockers: Ideas for Teaching Interesting Mathematics
    April, 2014
    Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges in Connecticut, Norwich, Connecticut
  • How Can We Make Use of Structure (Mathematical Standard Practice #7)?.
    April, 2014
    92nd Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Students Succeed with Standards for Mathematical Practice in High-Needs Schools
    April, 2014
    92nd Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • An Incredible Problem Connecting Probability and Calculus for after the AP Exam
    March, 2014
    55th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Delmar, New York
  • Before or After the AP Exam – An Incredible Problem Connecting Probability and Calculus
    March, 2014
    40th Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Ossining, New York
  • Before or After the AP Exam – An Incredible Problem Connecting Probability and Calculus
    March, 2014
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts, Hopedale, Massachusetts
  • Combining Common Core Standards with a School Mathematics Symposium
    March, 2014
    55th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Delmar, New York
  • Connecting Algebra and Geometry with Great Problems
    March, 2014
    40th Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Ossining, New York
  • Geometry and Algebra – Make the Connection with Five Great Problems
    March, 2014
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts, Hopedale, Massachusetts
  • Non-bogus Integration of Geometry and Algebra
    March, 2014
    55th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Delmar, New York
  • One Fantastic Problem after the AP Calculus Exam - Lockers
    March, 2014
    Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Activities for Incorporating the Standards for Mathematical Practice
    January, 2014
    How to Make Math Count Conference, Rockville Center, New York
  • Math Matters: Games to Build Number Sense and Quantitative Analysis
    January, 2014
    How to Make Math Count Conference, Rockville Center, New York
  • Concrete Ideas for the Eight Common Core Mathematical Practices
    November, 2013
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • Meeting the Standards for Mathematical Practice with a Student Math Conference
    November, 2013
    63rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • Using Mathematical Card Tricks to Motivate Your Mathematics Students
    November, 2013
    63rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • Developing Combinatorial Reasoning with Engaging Hands-on Activities
    October, 2013
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • How Can We Make Use of Structure? (Mathematical Standard Practice 7)
    October, 2013
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Success with Standards for Mathematical Practice in High-Needs Schools
    October, 2013
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Featured Session – Rich Problems are the Thread for Weaving a Fine Mathematics Education
    July, 2013
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Summer Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Weaving the Mathematical Practices Through Your Curriculum with Counting Problems
    July, 2013
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Summer Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Activities for Developing Teacher (and student) Fluency and Understanding of Rational Numbers (fractions, decimals, percents) with the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice
    May, 2013
    Massachusetts Mathematics Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
  • Three Innovative Noyce Program Components
    May, 2013
    NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Three Innovative Noyce Program Components
    May, 2013
    NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Certification and Teaching Computer Science at the Pre-college Level
    April, 2013
    18th Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeastern Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Developing a Mathematics Program Where Students Model Professional Mathematicians by Holding a Math Symposium in Their School
    April, 2013
    45th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado
  • Keynote Address – Lockers, Rice, and Scenic Railroads: Imagine the Mathematical Connection
    April, 2013
    2013 Annual Conference of the New York State Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges, Glens Falls, New York
  • An Introduction to Counting for Middle Level Mathematicians
    March, 2013
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area Conference, Rochester, New York
  • An Introduction to Counting for Young Mathematicians
    March, 2013
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area Conference, Rochester, New York
  • Connecting the Teaching of Mathematics and Responsible Citizenship
    March, 2013
    39th Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Middletown, New York
  • Fractions: Subtracting Fear, Adding Interest and Success
    March, 2013
    39th Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Middletown, New York
  • Keynote Address - Learn to Count, Learn what Counts, Everyone Counts
    March, 2013
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area Conference, Rochester, New York
  • Meeting Core Standards for Mathematical Practice with Counting Problems for Middle Level Mathematicians
    March, 2013
    54th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Albany, New York
  • Taking it to a higher level with student mathematics symposia.
    March, 2013
    54th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Albany, New York
  • Fractions: Taking Out the Fear, Putting in Interest and Success
    January, 2013
    How to Make Math Count Conference, Rockville Center, New York
  • Activities for Improving Fluency, Problem Solving, Understanding, and Enjoyment of Fractions
    November, 2012
    62nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rye, New York
  • Problem Solving for All: Connecting Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice
    November, 2012
    62nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rye, New York
  • Rational Numbers Part I. Developing fluency with fractions
    November, 2012
    Association of the Teachers of Mathematics of New York City 2007 Conference, New York City, New York
  • Rational Numbers Part II. Developing Understanding of Fractions and
    November, 2012
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • The Algebraic solution – is it always the best solution?!
    November, 2012
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
  • Connecting Spatial, Algebraic, and Data Reasoning for Common Core Standards
    October, 2012
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut
  • First Year Impacts of Noyce: 1. A Powerful, Exploratory Field Experience 2. Preparing Mathematics Students to Teach Computer Science and 3. Increasing Certification of Natural Science Graduates
    October, 2012
    Noyce Northeast Regional Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
  • The Noyce Mathematics and Science Teaching Scholarship Program at Siena College
    October, 2012
    Noyce Northeast Regional Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
  • The Noyce Mathematics and Science Teaching Scholarship Program at Siena College
    May, 2012
    NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Connecting Spatial, Algebraic, and Data Reasoning for Common Core Standards
    April, 2012
    90th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Concrete Ideas for Incorporating Problem Solving and Reasoning into Schools and Classroom
    March, 2012
    21st Annual Educator's Conference sponsored by the New York City Mathematics Project, New York City, New York
  • Developing Quantitative Literacy Using Newspapers, TV, and the Web
    March, 2012
    53rd Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Guilderland, New York
  • Developing Uncommon Approaches for Teaching Common H.S. Mathematics
    March, 2012
    53rd Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Guilderland, New York
  • Keynote Address: Mathematical Problem Solving, Reasoning and Standards for Mathematical Practice: Creating Great Math Programs
    March, 2012
    21st Annual Educator's Conference sponsored by the New York City Mathematics Project, New York City, New York
  • A Gentle Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning and Proof for the Common Core Standards
    January, 2012
    How to Make Math Count Conference, Rockville Center, New York
  • Combination and Permutation Activities to Engage Students and Deepen Learning
    November, 2011
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Featured Presentation -- Spatial, Algebraic, and Data Reasoning for the Common Core Standards
    November, 2011
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Meeting, Warwick, Rhode Island
  • Goldbach, Erdos, T.C. MITS and the Magic of Mathematics Workshop for Teachers
    November, 2011
    10th Annual TIME-2000 Conference – Celebrating Mathematics Teaching, New York City, New York
  • Keynote Address – Goldbach, Erdos, T.C. MITS and the Magic of Mathematics
    November, 2011
    10th Annual TIME-2000 Conference – Celebrating Mathematics Teaching, New York City, New York
  • Meeting CCS Standards for Mathematical Practice by Developing Reasoning Through Problem Solving
    November, 2011
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • Student Centered Probability Applications
    November, 2011
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • Keynote Address – Curriculum, Standards, and Exams: Rocking Mathematics Education in New York State
    October, 2011
    61st Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rochester, New York
  • Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Engagement with Mathematical Card Tricks
    October, 2011
    at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Great Problems for Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice
    August, 2011
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 46nd Summer Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Number Games for Numerical Fluency and Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice
    August, 2011
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 46nd Summer Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Integrating the Teaching of Mathematics and Science at the Secondary Level
    July, 2011
    Westchester/Putnam BOCES Conference, Yorktown Heights, New York
  • Interesting Mathematics Content Connecting the Eight Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice
    May, 2011
    Massachusetts Mathematics Association of Teacher Educators Symposium, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
  • An Uncommon Sequence of Problems for the Common Core State Standards
    March, 2011
    52nd Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Schenectady, New York
  • Developing Uncommon Approaches for Teaching Common H.S. Algebra Topics
    March, 2011
    52nd Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Schenectady, New York
  • Four Unusual Geometry Problems with Core Algebra Connections.
    March, 2011
    36th Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Rye, New York
  • Comic Strip Math
    January, 2011
    Nassau County Association of Mathematics Supervisors and the Nassau County Mathematics Teachers Association, Rockville Center, New York
  • A Gentle Introduction to Reasoning and Proof Using Engaging Problems
    November, 2010
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • Changing Secondary Mathematics Education
    November, 2010
    Westchester/Putnam BOCES Conference, Yorktown Heights, New York
  • Connect Quantitative Literacy and Social Studies with Newspapers, TV, and the Web
    November, 2010
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Meeting, Nashua, New Hampshire
  • Connecting Geometry, Number Patterns, and Algebraic Thinking with Rich Problems
    November, 2010
    Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Saratoga, New York
  • Connecting Geometry, Number Patterns, and Introductory Algebraic Thinking with Interesting Problems
    November, 2010
    Fall 2010 Binghamton Area Mathematics Conference, Binghamton, New York
  • Probing Teaching and Learning of Important (and not so important) High School Mathematics Topics
    November, 2010
    Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Saratoga, New York
  • The College Ready Mathematics Student
    November, 2010
    Westchester/Putnam BOCES Conference, Yorktown Heights, New York
  • Mathematical Card Tricks for Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Excitement
    October, 2010
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • The New Core Curriculum and How it Affects NY Schools
    October, 2010
    Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America Fall Conference, Plattsburgh, New York
  • Data Collection Activities that Connect Math and Science
    August, 2010
    NYS STEM Education Collaborative Summer Institute, Oswego, New York
  • Mathematics with Applications to Computer Science and Technology that will Increase Student Understanding and Interest
    August, 2010
    NYS STEM Education Collaborative Summer Institute, Oswego, New York
  • Making Math Come Alive by Working on Problems of Living Mathematicians
    April, 2010
    88th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, California
  • Comic Strip Math
    March, 2010
    51st Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Clifton Park, New York
  • Enlightening Applications of Combinations and Permutations
    March, 2010
    Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Motivating Algebra Lessons with Patterns and Arithmetic Connections
    March, 2010
    51st Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Clifton Park, New York
  • Engaging Your Mathematical Thinkers with Engaging Counting Problems
    January, 2010
    Making Math Count Conference, Rockville Centre, New York
  • Keynote Address - The Dinner Table Test is the High Stakes Test
    January, 2010
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts 2010 Winter Meeting, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
  • Classroom Ideas for Making Connections between Content and Process Standards for 7-12 Students
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area, Rochester, New York
  • Classroom Ideas for Making Connections between Content and Process Standards for K-6 Students
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area, Rochester, New York
  • Counting Problems for Young Mathematicians You Probably Won't Find in Your Textbook
    Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • Engaging Materials for Developing Numerical Fluency of Young Students
    The 2009 MATHWEST Spring Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Enhancing the Learning of Permutations and Cominations With Engaging Hands-on Activities
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Fraction and Decimal Activities that Increase Student Learning and Interest in Mathematics
    The 2009 MATHWEST Spring Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Keynote Address  Professional Development and Excellent Teaching So That No Mathematics Teacher is Left Behind
    Massachusetts Mathematics Association of Teacher Educators Symposium, Bristol, Rhode Island
  • Keynote Address: MITS, WITS, Mathematics, and a Little Magic
    8th Annual TIME-2000 Conference, Queens, New York
  • Keynote Presentation. Making Connections So That No Mathematics Teacher (or student) is Left Behind
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area, Rochester, New York
  • MITS, WITS, Mathematics, and a Little Magic
    8th Annual TIME-2000 Conference, Queens, New York
  • Making Engaging, Inquiry Based Linkages Between Computer Science and Mathematics
    40th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Probability Possibilities for High School Mathematicians
    50th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Colonie, New York
  • Three Rich Activities that Motivated and Worked with our Diverse Middle School Scholars
    87th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Turning Kids onto Math: Maps, Bridges, Cones, and Other Intriguing Problems
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 44nd Summer Conference, Aurora, New York
  • Turning Kids onto Math: Trains, Cables, Towers, and Other Intriguing Problems
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 44nd Summer Conference, Aurora, New York
  • Using Mathematical Card Tricks to Increase Student Interest in Mathematics
    50th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Colonie, New York
  • Developing Fluency and Certainty with Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Probability
    86th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Developing Young Mathematicians' Number Sense with Engaging Mathematical Games
    Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Ryetown, New York
  • Developing the Mathematical Reasoning Abilities of Students with Card Tricks and Some Magic
    Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Ryetown, New York
  • Going Beyond Basic Probability Topics with Cards and Dice
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 43rd Summer Conference, Syracuse, New York
  • Got Number? Got Algebra? We've Got Connections that will Motivate Your Students
    33rd Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Cross River, New York
  • Improving the Mathematical Abilities (and the test scores) of Your Students Using Mathematical Olympiad Problems for Elementary and Middle School Students
    Forty-Ninth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, East Greenbush, New York
  • Motivating Problems for Your High School Geometers
    Forty-Ninth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, East Greenbush, New York
  • Skills, Reasoning and Problem Solving with Fractions, Decimals and Percents
    Making Math Count Conference, Rockville Centre, New York
  • The Rice is Right: A Wide Range of Mathematics from a Common Food
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 43rd Summer Conference, Syracuse, New York
  • Some Nitty Gritty Details for Dinner Table Mathematics Lessons
    November, 2007
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City Fall Conference, New York City, New York
  • A (different) Locker Problem: The Best Mathematics Problem I Found This Year
    Forty-Eighth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Schenectady, New York
  • A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematical Reasoning, Justification and Proof
    85th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Basic Skills and Problem Solving for Fractions, Decimals, and Per Cents
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Meeting, Richmond, Virginia
  • Can WE Improve the College Education of Future Secondary Mathematics Teachers? Questions, Observations, Suggestions, and Discussion
    Spring Meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Oneonta, New York
  • Counting Ideas for Primary Students
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 42nd Summer Conference, Aurora, New York
  • Counting Ideas for Secondary Students
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 42nd Summer Conference, Aurora, New York
  • From No Child Left Behind to No Child Left Untested to Some Children Left Unchallenged
    New York State Association of Mathematics Supervisors Conference, Albany, New York
  • Hands and Minds on Activities for Young Mathematical Thinkers
    Forty-Eighth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Schenectady, New York
  • Ideas for Avoiding Deadly, Dull and Destructive Math Lessons
    Association of the Teachers of Mathematics of New York City 2007 Conference, NY, New York
  • Ideas for Avoiding Dull, Deadly, Destructive Mathematics Lessons
    32nd Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Putnam Valley, New York
  • Keynote Address  Mathematics Lessons that Pass the 'Dinner Table Test'.
    Association of the Teachers of Mathematics of New York City 2007 Conference, NY, New York
  • Keynote Address - Making Sure All of Our Kids Count
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 42nd Summer Conference, Aurora, New York
  • One Fantastic Problem (and good subproblems) for your Best High School Mathematicians
    Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rochester, New York
  • Student Impact: A Programming Contest Alternative
    Association of Computer Science  38th Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference, Covington, Kentucky
  • Teaching to the Test? Classes Boring? Try this great high school stuff!
    Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Three Ways to Improve Your Student's Mathematics Learning Without Using Drill and Kill
    Binghamton Area Mathematics Conference, Binghamton, New York
  • What Can the Mathematics Professor Do to Improve Pre-College Mathematics Education?
    Fall Meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America,, Rochester, New York
  • Cool Ideas for Teaching Fractions, Decimals and PerCents
    31st Annual Ten County Mathematics Education Association Conference, Cornwall, New York
  • Developing Young Mathematical Thinkers
    Making Math Count Conference, Rockville Centre, New York
  • Five Fantastic Geometry Problems
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Five Interesting Problems for Introducing Proof
    Forty-Seventh Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Niskayuna, New York
  • New York State's K-12 Mathematics Curriculum and the National Forces that Mold It
    Seaway and Metro Sections of the Mathematical Association of America, Poughkeepsie, New York
  • One Size Doesn't Fit All. Ten Different Methods for Teaching Mathematics  Discovery and Constructivism
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 41st Summer Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • One Size Doesn't Fit All. Ten Different Methods for Teaching Mathematics  Integrating Mathematics with Science
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 41st Summer Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • One Size Doesn't Fit All. Ten Different Methods for Teaching Mathematics  Problem Solving
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 41st Summer Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • One Size Doesn't Fit All. Ten Different Methods for Teaching Mathematics  Real Life and Unreal Examples
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 41st Summer Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Unusual Problems and Ideas for Teaching Middle School Mathematics
    The Annual MATHWEST Meeting and T3 Regional Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Why No Child Left Untested is Destroying Middle School Mathematics
    Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Saratoga, New York
  • A Problem Oriented Approach to Geometry
    12th Annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Williamstown, Massachusetts
  • Basic Skills and Mathematical Reasoning: Algebra
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 40th Summer Conference, Plattsburgh, New York
  • Basic Skills and Mathematical Reasoning: Fractions, Decimals and PerCents
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 40th Summer Conference, Plattsburgh, New York
  • Basic Skills and Mathematical Reasoning: Geometry
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 40th Summer Conference, Plattsburgh, New York
  • Circular Reasoning and Other Geometric Gems
    Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Developing Number Sense, Computational Fluency and Mathematical Confidence
    Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • Extraordinary Geometry Problems for High School Students
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut
  • Lessons Shared with and Lessons Learned from our Diverse Saturday Scholars
    83nd Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Anaheim, California
  • Logic and Logic Problems You Won't Find on a NYS Regents Exam
    Forty-Sixth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Latham, New York
  • Mathematics Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School Students
    Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • Raising Performance Levels and Not Just Test Scores In Our Mathematics Classrooms
    Time-100 Seminar Series, Queens, New York
  • Strongly Connected Geometry Problems
    30th Annual Ten County Math Conference, North Rockland, New York
  • Teaching Mathematics with Science
    Eastern Section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Teaching for Understanding in Mathematics
    Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex 2005 Regional Professional Development Conference, Saratoga Springs, New York
  • Candy Bars, Popcorn, Ice-Cream and Other Problem Solving Treats for Middle School Mathematicians
    82nd Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Developing Number Sense, Computational Fluency and Mathematical Confidence
    Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Ryetown, New York
  • Emphasizing Mathematical Reasoning with Typical Grade 8 and Math A Topics
    Questar III Staff Development Conference, Chatham, New York
  • Great Logic Problems You'll Never See on a Standardized Test
    Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Ryetown, New York
  • How to Make Mathematical Reasoning the Focus of Your Middle School Mathematics Program
    Forty-Fifth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Bethlehem, New York
  • Intuitive and Counterintuitive Problems for Mathematical Thinkers
    Making Math Count Conference, Rockville Centre, New York
  • Keynote Address - Lessons Shared With and Lessons Learned From Young Mathematicians
    Making Math Count Conference, Rockville Centre, New York
  • Making Use of Intuitive and Counterintuitive Situations in Teaching Mathematics
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Annual Conference, Providence, Rhode Island
  • Mathematics for All Young Mathematical Thinkers
    Questar III Staff Development Conference, Chatham, New York
  • Providing Challenging Mathematical Experiences for All of Your Elementary School Students
    Forty-Fifth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Bethlehem, New York
  • Radical? Approaches to Teaching Math A Topics
    Twenty-ninth Annual Ten County Math Conference, Armonk, New York
  • Connecting Mathematics Curriculum K-12 and Improving Instruction Using NYS Standards
    Capital Area School Districts Association Workshop, Albany, New York
  • Cool Ideas for Your Middle School Mathematics Classes
    Fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Syracuse, New York
  • Doing Mathematics Unthinkingly vs. Mathematical Reasoning
    Twenty-eighthth Annual Ten County Math Conference, Woodbury, New York
  • Emphasizing Mathematical Reasoning with Topics from Course A Mathematics
    Forty-Fourth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Burnt Hills, New York
  • Emphasizing Mathematical Reasoning with Traditional Middle School Mathematics Topics
    Forty-Fourth Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Burnt Hills, New York
  • Exciting, Enthralling, Expanding and Entertaining Ways to Emphasize Mathematical Reasoning
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 39th Summer Conference, Potsdam, New York
  • Making Mathematical Reasoning (NYS Key Idea No.1) the Focus in your Middle Grades Mathematics Classes
    Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Problem Solving and Insight: 'No Way' to 'OK'
    Fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Syracuse, New York
  • The NCTM' 6th Standard - Problem Solving
    Making Math Count Conference, Rockville Centre, New York
  • , Exciting, and Challenging Math Olympiad Problems, Grades 4-8
    80th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Buck the Exams. Your Students Should Work with this Priceless Mathematics
    Forty-third Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Guilderland, New York
  • Erdos, Collatz and Wiles: Contemporary Mathematicians and Their Mathematics for High School Students
    Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Ellenville, New York
  • Incredibly Rich Mathematical Experiences Using Ridiculously Cheap Materials
    Forty-third Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Guilderland, New York
  • Mathematics Education: What We Value, What We Do and What We Need to Change
    Keynote Address at the Twenty-seventh Annual Ten County Mathematics Conference, Minisink Valley, New York
  • Standards, High-Stakes Testing, and Developing a Mathematics Program that Really Counts for T.C. MITS
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • All students should be involved in mathematical olympiads
    Twenty-sixth Annual Ten County Math Conference, Woodbury, New York
  • Grand Ideas and Concrete Examples for Improving the Education of WITS and MITS
    Forty-Second Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Averill Park, New York
  • Mathematics Education: Why Do We Do What We Do and Does it Matter?
    5th British Congress on Mathematics Education, Unknown, Great Britain
  • More Amazing Questions and Problems You Must Share with Your Students
    Fifty-first Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rochester, New York
  • Seventeen Great Problems for You and Your Mathematics Students
    Twenty-sixth Annual Ten County Math Conference, Woodbury, New York
  • Standards, Testing and What Really Counts in our Mathematics Classrooms
    Capital Area School Districts Association Workshop, Albany, New York
  • Starting and Coaching a Math Team in Elementary School
    79th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Orlando, Florida
  • State Exams, Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Reform and what does this really mean for The Education of T.C. MITS
    Forty-Second Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Averill Park, New York
  • Three big Ideas and 19 Amazing Problems You Must Share with Your Students
    79th Annual Meeting of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Orlando, Florida
  • What Can We Learn from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study?
    Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • What Do Basketball, Band, Harry Potter and Mathematics Have in Common?
    Fall 2001 Binghamton Area Mathematics Meeting, Binghamton, New York
  • What is 'TIMSS' and what can mathematics educators learn from it?
    PBS sponsored mathematics educators conference, Rensselaerville, New York
  • 36 amazing problems you must share with your students
    Hudson-Mohawk Valley Mathematics Conference, Ballston Spa, New York
  • From TIMSS, the Third International Mathematics and Science Study: What can we learn about teaching mathematics?
    Preparing Future Faculty Program, SUNY-Binghamton Department of Mathematical Sciences and Graduate School, Binghamton, New York
  • Ice Cream, Toothpicks, and Bridges for Mathematical Problem Solving
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Three Big Ideas and 17 Amazing Problems for Middle School Mathematics
    50th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Ellenville, New York
  • Three ideas and oodles of questions for middle grades problem solving
    Hudson-Mohawk Valley Mathematics Conference, Ballston Spa, New York
  • Three ideas and oodles of questions for middle grades problem solving
    Ten County Mathematics Conference, LaGrangeville, New York
  • 37 Amazing Problems for Miracle Growth
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State and New York State Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges Summer Conference, Canandaigua, New York
  • Can your students work on the problems of some famous mathematicians? You bet!
    Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Francisco, California
  • Changing School Mathematics with a Little Help from Euler, Wiles and Erdos
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Maps, Towers and Ice-Cream, Open and Unusual Problems for your Students
    Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Fall Conference, Killington, Vermont
  • Mathematical Research for High School Students
    49th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • Open Questions, Unusual Problems, and Some Modern History of Mathematics that will Surprise Your Students
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the USA and UK
    Fourth British Congress of Mathematics Education, Northhampton, Great Britain
  • A Comparison of NYS and UK Mathematics Exams
    48th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Kiamesha, New York
  • Blue Creek to the Hudson River OR Influence to Confluence
    Fifth Annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Schenectady, New York
  • Cheap Materials and Rich Ideas for Integrating Mathematics and Science
    Eastern Section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State, Loudonville, New York
  • Ice Cream, Towers, and Maps
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 36th Annual Summer Conference, Saranac Lake, New York
  • Mathematical Research for All Middle School Students
    39th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Mathematics Conference, Clifton Park, New York
  • Mathematical Research in High School
    12th Annual Long Island Mathematics Conference, Old Westbury, New York
  • Running a Math Conference with Help from Euler, Wiles, and Your Students: The Past, The Present, and the Future!
    Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, District of Columbia
  • The Education of TC MacLaud
    Keynote Presentation for the Annual Meeting of the New York State Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges, Syracuse, New York
  • The Mathematics Sandbox for Elementary Students
    23rd Annual Ten County Mathematics Conference, Yonkers, New York
  • What Every Student of Mathematics Should Know
    John F. Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education at the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America Fall Meeting, Rochester, New York
  • Your Students Name Three Living Athletes? Musicians? Mathematicians?
    39th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Valley Mathematics Conference, Clifton Park, New York
  • A Mathematics Symposium Based on Problem Solving-- The No.1 Standard
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • A Mathematics Symposium Based on Problem Solving
    38th Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Scotia, New York
  • A School Mathematics Symposium Based on Problem Solving - The No.1 Standard
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Meeting, Long Island, New York
  • Cheap Materials and Rich Ideas for Integrating Mathematics and Science
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Troy, New York
  • M-S-T Connections: Proven Methods of Making Math-Science-Technology Connections with Students
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Meeting, Rochester, New York
  • School Mathematics Conference: Students Doing What Professional Mathematicians Do
    Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, San Diego, California
  • We Get By with a Little Help from our Friends Erdos, Wiles, Euler and Pascal
    47th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Syracuse, New York
  • A Middle School Mathematics Conference Based on Problem Solving
    46th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Kiamesha, New York
  • A School Mathematics Conference! Can Your Students do what Professional Mathematicians Do? You Bet!
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 34th Annual Summer Conference, Oneonta, New York
  • Cheap Materials and Rich Activities Integrating Mathematical and Scientific Thinking. !
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 34th Annual Summer Conference, Oneonta, New York
  • Cheap Materials and Rich Activities Integrating Mathematical and Scientific Thinking.
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, San Diego, California
  • Classroom-tested Activities that Support MST Connections
    46th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Kiamesha, New York
  • MST in the Middle School
    37th Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Niskayuna, New York
  • We get by with a little help from our friends-- Erdos, Goldbach, and Pascal.
    Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, Orlando, Florida
  • A Model Program for Preparing Mathematics Teachers to Implement Change
    American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
  • Can your students work on the problems of some famous mathematicians? You Bet!
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Connect Mathematics and Science by Losing Your Marbles
    36th Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Albany, New York
  • M-S-T BRIDGES, Proven Methods of making math, science and technology connections
    45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rye, New York
  • The Best Picker Upper for the $$$ and Other Labs Connecting Mathematics and Science
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Turning your classroom into a problem solving center
    Joint Meeting of the Ontario Association of Mathematics Educators and the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Toronto, Ontario
  • Challenging Experiments for Elementary Level Students
    Northeast Regional Assistance Center for Science and Mathematics Education Conference, Purchase, New York
  • Challenging Experiments for Middle Level Students
    Eastern Section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State Fall Meeting, Loudonville, New York
  • EYE SPY: Methods of Connecting Mathematics and Teaching in the Middle School
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Conference, Somerset, New Jersey
  • The Best Picker Upper for the Money
    44th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Kiamesha, New York
  • UNREAL Problem Solving for Students
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 32nd Annual Summer Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • What? Teach mathematics to students before they get to college? Are you crazy?
    First Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Challenging Experiments for Middle Level Students
    Eastern Section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State Fall Meeting, Loudonville, New York
  • Is this Science or Math? You Decide!
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 31st Annual Summer Conference, Purchase, New York
  • PRIME Mathematics for Your Classroom
    43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, New York
  • An Inservice Program for Enhancing the Teaching of Mathematics and Science
    Capital Region Science Mentors Conference, Schodack, New York
  • Eye Spy, An Integrated Mathematics and Science Experiment
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State and Association of Mathematics Teachers of Maine Joint Summer Conference, Brunswick, Maine
  • Losing Your Marbles, An Integrated Mathematics and Science Experiment
    Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State and Association of Mathematics Teachers of Maine Joint Summer Conference, Brunswick, Maine
  • Unreal Problem Solving
    25th Hudson-Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference, Chatham, New York