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Erik Eddy is an Professor of Management at Siena College. Erik’s primary teaching areas include strategic planning, human resource management, and organizational development and change.  Erik also conducts research on a variety of topics including mentoring, leadership, and employee participation in personal business (e.g., personal e-mail, conversations with colleagues) during work hours.

Erik received a bachelor of business administration from James Madison University in 1990, master degrees in business administration and organizational development from Bowling Green State University in 1993 and a doctor of philosophy from University at Albany (SUNY) in 1997.

Prior to joining the Siena College faculty in 2004, Erik worked from 1995 to 2004 at a local management consulting firm – The Group for Organizational Effectiveness – first as a consultant then as a project leader. Erik worked to support organizations in their organizational development, change management, management/employee development, and knowledge management efforts. A few sample projects included facilitating strategic planning to build managerial talent at Core Staffing Services; helping guide a team of internal experts at Tiffany & Co. to develop a certification program for their sales and operations professionals; facilitating working sessions with U.S. Air Force fighter pilots to identify the “Mission Essential Competencies” required to be successful; and researching the requisite characteristics of successful mentoring programs at the U.S. Navy. 

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Organizational Studies University at Albany, SUNY
M.B.A. Bowling Green State University
M.O.D. Bowling Green State University
B.B.A. Management James Madison University

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

I believe that my role as a teacher is to help students learn subject matter content, learn how to apply their learnings to unique situations, and develop their capacity to learn on their own.

First, in helping students learn the subject matter content, I believe that learning is preferable to memorizing. As Ken Bain put it in his recent book, “What the Best College Teachers Do,” I am aiming for deep, sustained, substantial learning rather than bulimic learning where students memorize and regurgitate facts for the text. 

Second, in helping students learn how to apply their learnings to unique situations, I use a case study or work with a local organization that allow students to demonstrate what they’ve learned in business situations. 

Finally, it is important for me to realize that I can not teach students everything I want them to know in one semester (and that they can not remember it all if I tried). Therefore, part of my role is to help them learn what they “need to know” and help them learn “how to find what they need” after they have left my class. 

I truly enjoy working with the students and challenging them to take their learning to a higher level. My hope is that the students accept this challenge and grow from the experience. As I set high standards for my students, it is always important for me to support them in this process and facilitate their learning at every turn. 

What I Love About Siena

I enjoy working at Siena because of the students. The small class size, along with the close-knit community, make for a wonderful teaching experience. 

My Favorite Courses to Teach

I enjoy teaching BUDV450 (Organizational Strategy) because it challenges students to perform at a high level. I enjoy teaching MGMT425 (Leading Change) because it helps students become better prepared for their job as a manager. 

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2014 - Now Director, Institute for Leadership Development Siena College
2011 - Now Associate Professor of Management Siena College
2010 - 2011 Associate Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
2004 - 2010 Assistant Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
1999 - 2004 Project Manager The Group for Organizational Effectiveness
1994 - 1999 Consultant The Group for Organizational Effectiveness

Current Research

Research interests include continuous learning, mentoring, and other on-the-job developmental interactions.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • How do work values impact work ethic? Model development and preliminary validation of a work ethic attenuation scale.
    International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference
  • How do work values impact work ethic? Model development and preliminary validation of a work ethic attenuation scale.
    Journal of Academy of Business and Economics
  • Mother Myrick's Confectionery
    Open Access Teaching Case Journal
  • The importance of shared cognitions of team member expertise on building a high performing team
    Team Performance Management: An International Journal
  • The Baby Boomer-Gen Z Work Ethic Divide
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting
    January, 2022
  • The impact of enhanced teammate evaluations on important individual and team outcomes
    Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, vol. 9
    October, 2019
  • A Next Step in Student Teamwork Pedagogies: Teaching and Supporting Teamwork Dynamics
    Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, vol. 29
    July, 2018
  • Using student teams in the classroom: How online versus paper and pencil teammate evaluations impact important team member outcomes
    Academic and Business Research Institute
    January, 2018
  • Factors Contributing to Student Engagement in an Instructional Facebook Group for Undergraduate Mathematics.
    Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, vol. 35
    July, 2016
  • Exploring Student Team Pedagogies Across the Higher Education Curriculum
    Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching
    February, 2015
  • The relationship between enduring leadership and organizational performance
    Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 35
    September, 2014
  • The Instructional Network: Using Facebook to Enhance Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction
    Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, vol. 33
    January, 2014
  • Mother Myricks Confectionary
    North American Case Research Association -- Annual Meeting
    October, 2013
  • Helping teams to help themselves: Comparing two self-guided debriefing methods
    Personnel Psychology
  • The Impact of Mentoring on Employee Attitudes, Competencies, and Performance
    International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB)
    January, 2011
  • Explaining Engagement in Personal Activities on Company Time
    Personnel Review, vol. 39
    September, 2010
  • Mentoring as a Learning Tool: Enhancing the Effectiveness of an Undergraduate Business Mentoring Program
    Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, vol. 16
    December, 2008
  • Personal and Professional Leadership in Government Agencies
    Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 29
    June, 2008
  • Key Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Developmental Interactions
    Human Resource Development Quarterly, vol. 17
  • The Impact of Personal and Professional Leadership on Employee Willing Cooperation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment: A Study of a Government Agency
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting
    May, 2005
  • The Impact of National Culture on the Continuous Learning Environment: Exploratory Findings from Multiple Countries
    Journal Of East-West Business, vol. 12
  • The Importance of Personal and Professional Leadership
    Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 23
    June, 2004
  • What's In a Name? A Literature-Based Approach to Understanding Mentoring, Coaching, and Other Constructs that Describe Developmental Interactions
    Human Resource Development Review, vol. 2
    December, 2003
  • Expanding the Training Evaluation Criterion Space: Cross Aircraft Convergence and Lessons Learned from Evaluation of the Air Force Mission Ready Technician Program
    Military Psychology, vol. 15
    January, 2003
  • An Organizational Level Examination of the Impact of Personal and Professional Leadership on Willing Cooperation: Direct and Mediated Effects
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • The Importance of the Critical Psychological States in the Job Characteristics Model: A Meta-Analytic and Structural Equations Modeling Examination
    Current Research in Social Psychology, vol. 5
    May, 2000
  • The Effects of Information Management Policies on Reactions to Human Resource Information Systems: An Integration of Privacy and Procedural Justice Perspectives
    Personnel Psychology, vol. 52
    June, 1999
  • Training Cultures in Asia: Further Insights
    Pan Pacific Conference
    August, 1998
  • Factors Affecting the Perceived Fairness of Human Resource Information Systems
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting
    May, 1998
  • Privacy and Human Resource Information Systems
    IHRIM Journal, vol. 2
    February, 1998
  • The Interactive Effects of Disability, Race and Gender on Job Placement Decisions
    Disabilities Studies Quarterly, vol. 16
    November, 1996
  • A Model of Individual and Organizational Factors Affecting Quality-Related Outcomes
    Journal of Quality Management, vol. 1
    January, 1996
  • The Effects of Procedural and Individual Factors on Reactions to Honesty Testing
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting
    May, 1995
  • Engaging in Personal Business on the Job: Extending the Presenteeism Construct
    Human Resource Development Quarterly, vol. 18
    Fall, 2007
  • Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless
    Case Research Journal, vol. 33
    Winter, 2013
  • Mentoring as an HRD Approach: Effects on employee attitudes and contributions independent of core self evaluation.
    Human Resource Development Quarterly, vol. 23
    Summer, 2012
  • The Influence of a Continuous Learning Environment on Peer Mentoring Behaviors
    Journal Of Managerial Issues, vol. 17
    Fall, 2005
  • The Relationship between Corporate Ethical Climate and Employee Attitudes
    Academy of Business Disciplines, vol. 9
    Spring, 2016

Awards & Distinctions

  • Douglas T. Hickey Chair in Business
    Category: Other
    Siena College, 2015
  • Faculty Member of the Year
    Category: Service-University
    Academic and Community Engagement, 2015
  • Outstanding Professor Award
    Category: Teaching
    Beta Gamma Sigma, 2015
  • Winner, case writing competition
    Category: Research
    Family Enterprise, 2013
  • Featured article
    Category: Research
    Human Resource Development Quarterly, 2012
  • Research Excellence Award
    Category: Research
    Academy of Human Resource Management, 2012
  • Outstanding applied paper
    Category: Research
    IAMB, 2011
  • Faculty Mentor - Best Paper Award Siena College Student Conference in Business
    Category: Research
    Faculty Mentor - Best Paper Award Siena College Student Conference in Business, 2009
  • School of Business Outstanding Research Award
    Category: Research
    School of Business Outstanding Research Award, 2008
  • Outstanding Research Article of the Year
    Category: Research
    Academy of Human Resource Management, 2007
  • Research Excellence Award
    Category: Research
    Academy of Human Resource Development, 2007
  • Outstanding Empirical Paper Award
    Category: Other
    Eastern Academy of Management, 2005

Books & Book Chapters

  • Improving Learning Transfer Systems in Organizations
  • Team-Based Organizing


  • How do work values impact work ethic?
    International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference, Miami, Florida
  • The Baby Boomer – Gen Z Work Ethic Divide
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
  • Teammate evaluations: Are faculty implementing research-based best practices?
    February, 2020
    Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, San Diego, California
  • What are students thinking? Examining the usefulness of teammate evaluations
    March, 2018
    Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Newport Beach, California
  • Using student teams in the classroom: How online versus paper-and-pencil teammate evaluations impact important team member outcomes
    Academic and Business Research Institute, St. Augustine, Florida
  • Does Teaching Teamwork Matter? Exploring the Impact of Team Pedagogy in the Classroom
    February, 2016
    Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Newport Beach, California
  • Assessing Corporate Ethical Climate and Its Relationship to Job Satisfaction
    November, 2015
    Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, Ft. Myers, Florida
  • Mother Myricks Confectionary
    October, 2013
    North American Case Research Association -- Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia
  • Using Facebook as an Instructional Network to Enhance Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction
    May, 2013
    Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Bethesda, Maryland
  • The importance of mentoring in Insurance Agencies
    October, 2012
    CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters) Society, Albany, New York
  • The instructional network: Using Facebook to enhance undergraduate mathematics instruction
    June, 2012
    Conference on Instruction and Technology, Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook, New York
  • The instructional network: Using facebook to enhance undergraduate mathematics instruction
    Conference on Instruction and Technology, Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook, New York
  • Impact of Mentoring on Employee Attitudes, Competencies, and Performance
    January, 2011
    International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB), Orlando, Florida
  • Mentoring as a Learning Tool: Enhancing the Effectiveness of an Undergraduate Mentoring Program
    August, 2007
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • On CompanyTime: An Empirical Examination of Why People Engage in Personal Business on the Job
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Engaging in Personal Business on the Job: Extending the Presenteeism Construct
    August, 2006
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
  • What's In a Name? A Literature Based Approach to Exploring the Constructs that Describe Developmental Interactions
    April, 2003
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Florida
  • Team Task Analysis: A Prerequisite for Instructor Technology and Dynamic Assessment
    May, 2001
    University of North Texas Symposium, Denton, Texas
  • Goal Orientation and Errors in Training: A Social Cognitive Approach
    April, 2001
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, California
  • An Investigation of the Unique Effects of Peer and Hierarchical Mentoring
    April, 2000
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • The Influence of Continuous Learning on Peer Mentoring
    April, 2000
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • The Impact of National Culture on the Continuous Learning Environment: Exploratory Findings from Multiple Countries
    April, 1999
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia
  • The Importance of the Critical Psychological State in the Job Characteristics Model: A Meta-Analytic and Structural Equations Modeling Analysis
    April, 1999
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia
  • The Effects of Information Management Policies on Reactions to Human Resource Information Systems: An Integration of Privacy and Procedural Justice Perspectives
    August, 1998
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, California
  • Computer Technology and Human Resource Management: Functional and Dysfunctional Consequences
    August, 1997
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Perceived Invasiveness of Monitoring Systems
    May, 1997
    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, Texas
  • Job-related Stereotypes and Expectancies Ascribed to Persons with Varying Types of Disabilities
    May, 1996
    Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, California
  • Factors that Influence the Perceived Invasiveness of Biographical Data
    May, 1995
    Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida