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W 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
R 09:00 AM-11:00 AM

Daniel C. Lewis is an associate professor of political science.  He earned his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 2008 and previously directed the University of New Orleans’ graduate programs in political science.  Dr. Lewis’ work on direct democracy, minority rights, term limits, LGBT politics, the public policy process, and interest groups has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals.  His first book, Direct Democracy and Minority Rights: A Critical Review of the Tyranny of the Majority in the American States was published in 2013.  His next book,  The Remarkable Rise of Transgender Rights, coauthored with Jami K. Taylor and Donald Haider-Markel, is set to be published by the University of Michigan Press in 2018.  Dr. Lewis teaches American politics and public policy courses with an emphasis on political institutions and representation.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. American Politics & Public Policy Michigan State University
M.A. Political Science Michigan State University
B.A. History & Political Science University of Wisconsin, Madison

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

I believe in active and independent learning.  Students are encouraged to make their own discoveries and absorb subject matter in dimensional ways, while also developing critical thinking skills. I strive to provide each student with tools to connect abstract concepts and empirics, course material and real world issues, and the public and the private aspects of each of their lives.

What I Love About Siena

Siena College provides a close-knit community of scholars and students that fosters lifelong learning that goes far beyond the typical liberal arts education.  Siena's emphasis on public service, advocacy, and social justice prepares students to to not only succeed in their own careers, but also have a positive impact on the world as leaders and stewards.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

State & Local Government, Interest Group Politics, Public Policy, Contemporary US Politics, US Minority Politics, Lobbying & Legislative Advocacy

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2022 - Now Professor Siena College
2017 - 2022 Associate Professor Siena College
2015 - Now Faculty Fellow Community Policy Institute, Siena College
2013 - 2017 Assistant Professor Siena College
2011 - 2013 Graduate Coordinator University of New Orleans
2008 - 2013 Assistant Professor University of New Orleans
2002 - 2003 Public & Media Relations League of Conservation Voters
2001 - 2002 Intern U.S. Representative Maurice Hinchey (22nd District of New York)

Current Research

American political institutions, state politics, direct democracy, minority politics, LGBT politics & policy, term limits, interest groups, public policy process, public opinion, federalism, elections & campaigns

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Advocating for Engagement: Do Experiential Learning Courses Boost Civic Engagement?
    Journal of Political Science Education
  • Public Attitudes about Transgender Participation in Sports: The Roles of Gender, Gender Identity Conformity, and Sports Fandom
    Sex Roles
  • The Politics of Being "Cait": Caitlyn Jenner, Transphobia, and Parasocial Contact Effects on Transgender-Related Political Attitudes
    American Politics Research, vol. 48
  • Year of the LGBT Candidate? LGBT State Legislative Candidates in the Trump Era
    PS: Political Science & Politics, vol. 53
  • Conventional Wisdom? Analyzing Public Support for 2017 NY Constitutional Convention Referendum
    State & Local Government Review, vol. 51
  • Morality Politics and New Research on Transgender Politics and Public Policy
    The Forum, vol. 17
  • Public Attitudes on Transgender Military Service: The Role of Gender
    Armed Forces and Society
  • Challenged Expectations: Perceived Conformity, Gender Identity, and Transgender Rights
    Political Psychology
  • Tensions over Gay and Transgender Rights between Localities and States
    PS: Political Science & Politics
  • Transgender Prejudice Reduction and Opinions on Transgender Rights: Results from a Mediation Analysis on Experimental Data
    Research & Politics
  • Bringing 'T' to the Table: Understanding Individual Support of Transgender Candidates for Public Office
    Politics, Groups, and Identities
  • Degrees of Acceptance: Variation in Public Attitudes toward Segments of the LGBT Community
    Political Research Quarterly
  • Evaluating Policy Representation with Dynamic MRP Estimates: Direct Democracy and Same-Sex Relationship Policies in the U.S.
    State Politics & Policy Quarterly
  • Legislative Term Limits and Voter Turnout
    State Politics & Policy Quarterly
  • Testing Contact Theory and Attitudes on Transgender Rights
    Public Opinion Quarterly
  • Transgender Politics as Body Politics: Effects of Disgust Sensitivity and Authoritarianism on Transgender Rights Attitudes
    Politics, Groups, and Identities
  • Institutional Characteristics and State Policy Priorities: The Impact of Legislatures and Governors
    State Politics & Policy Quarterly, vol. 15
  • The Impact of Direct Democracy on State Spending Priorities
    Electoral Studies, vol. 40
  • Public Opinion & Judicial Behavior in Direct Democracy Systems: Gay Rights in the American States.
    State Politics & Policy Quarterly, vol. 14
  • Teaching Interest Groups & Advocacy: A Comparative Review of Textbooks
    Interest Groups & Advocacy, vol. 3
  • Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Why Bo Didn't Fetch Many Votes for Barack Obama in 2012
    PS: Political Science and Politics, vol. 46
  • Gauging Influence: Legislative Lobbying in Wisconsin
    Interest Groups & Advocacy, vol. 2
  • Review of State-Local Government Interactions by Joseph F. Zimmerman
    American Review of Politics, vol. 34
  • Content and Complexity in Policy Reinvention and Diffusion: Gay and Transgender-Inclusive Laws against Discrimination
    State Politics & Policy Quarterly, vol. 12
  • Legislative Term Limits and Fiscal Policy Performance
    Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 37
  • Bypassing the Representational Filter? Minority Rights Policies under Direct Democracy Institutions
    State Politics & Policy Quarterly, vol. 11
  • Direct Democracy and Minority Rights: Same-Sex Marriage Bans in the American States
    Social Science Quarterly, vol. 92
  • Public Opinion toward Intergovernmental Policy Responsibilities
    Publius, vol. 41

Awards & Distinctions

  • Artinian Travel Award
    Category: Research
    Southern Political Science Association, 2016
  • Educational Network for Active Civic Transformation (ENACT) Faculty Fellowship
    Category: Teaching
    International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life, Brandeis University, 2016
  • Faculty Mentor of the Year
    Category: Teaching-Research-Service
    Center for Academic Community Engagement, Siena College, 2016

Books & Book Chapters

  • The Remarkable Rise of Transgender Rights

  • Slicing Up the Governmental Pie: Policy Priorities in the American States

  • Recall Elections

  • Is Transgender Policy Different?: Policy Complexity, Policy Diffusion and LGBT Nondiscrimination Law
    University of Michigan Press
  • The Advocacy Coalition Framework and Transgender Inclusion in LGBT Rights Activism
    University of Michigan Press
  • Direct Democracy and Minority Rights: A Critical Assessment of the Tyranny of the Majority in the American States
  • Advocacy Coalition Networks
    CQ Press
  • Disaster Relief
    CQ Press
  • Garbage Can Model of the Policy Process
    CQ Press
  • Emergency Management
    CQ Press
  • Homeland Security
    CQ Press
  • State and Local Bureaucracy
    CQ Press


  • Challenged Expectations: Perceived Conformity, Gender Identity, and Transgender Rights
    Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Direct Democracy and Economic Inequality in the American States
    Southern Political Science Association Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Sexuality vs. Gender Identity: Variation in Public Attitudes toward the LGBT Community
    Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Testing Contact Theory and Attitudes on Transgender Rights
    Southern Political Science Association Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • The Bathroom Issue: Transgender Rights and Public Opinion
    American Political Science Association Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Direct Democracy and Economic Inequality in the American States
    State Politics and Policy Conference, Sacramento, California
  • What Drives the Relationship between Legislative Term Limits and Fiscal Policy?
    Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Direct Democracy, Policy Responsiveness and Minority Rights: LGBT Rights in the U.S.
    The Rights of the Political Minority in America Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Governors or Legislators: Who Determines the Spending Priorities of State Governments?
    West Virginia University, Department of Political Science Symposium, Morgantown, West Virginia
  • Interest Groups, Public Opinion and State Policy Priorities
    Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Legislative Term Limits and Voter Turnout in the American States
    Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Testing Policy Responsiveness with Dynamic MRP Estimates: Direct Democracy and Same-Sex Relationship Policies in the U.S.
    State Politics and Policy Conference, Bloomington, Indiana
  • Governors or Legislators: Who Determines the Spending Priorities of State Governments?`
    State Politics and Policy Conference, Hanover, New Hampshire
  • The Advocacy Coalition Framework and Transgender Inclusion in LGBT Rights Advocacy: Trans Advocacy in a Post-Windsor World.
    American Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
  • The Impact of Direct Democracy on State Spending Priorities
    American Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
  • The Impact of Direct Democracy on State Spending Priorities
    Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia
  • A Bark without a Bite? Why Bo Won't Fetch Many Votes for Barack Obama in 2012
    Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Direct Democracy and Dynamic Policy Responsiveness: Gay Rights in the U.S.
    American Political Science Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Dissecting the Relationship between Term Limits and Fiscal Policy.
    State Politics and Policy Conference, Houston, Texas
  • The Power of Persuasion? Lobbying and Legislative Outcomes in Wisconsin
    Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Gauging Influence: Legislative Lobbying in Wisconsin
    Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Legislative Term Limits and Fiscal Uncertainty
    Western Political Science Association Meeting, San Antonio, Texas
  • Direct Democracy & State Policy Priorities
    Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Risky Business: Term Limits, Budgets and Fiscal Uncertainty
    State Politics and Policy Conference, Springfield, Illinois
  • Direct Democracy, Minority Rights and Judicial Protections
    Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Minority Rights under Direct Democracy Institutions: Accounting for State-Level Policy Preferences
    American Political Science Association Meeting, Toronto, Canada