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M 11:20 AM-12:40 PM,03:00 PM-04:00 PM
W 11:20 AM-12:40 PM
F 11:20 AM-12:40 PM

I joined the English faculty at Siena in the Fall of 2014. I earned my M.A. in English at New York University (2007) and my Ph.D. in English at Fordham University (2014), where I also worked as a Teaching Associate for five years. A native Texan, I worked in theater in New York City for a number of years before going back to graduate school to specialize in Shakespeare/early modern literature.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. English Fordham University
M.A. English New York University
B.F.A. Theater Texas State University

My Siena Experience

What I Love About Siena

I consider it a privilege to teach at Siena! I love the compassionate community of students, faculty, administrators, and staff. My favorite part of my job is getting to know the students and watching them grow as scholars and citizens through their college careers.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

I love teaching many courses at Siena, but my favorite is definitely Shakespeare. It is a pleasure when students begin to master the language and develop an appreciation for the plays. And I learn something new each time I read the plays and teach the class.

My Professional Experience

Current Research

I specialize in Shakespeare/early modern literature, and my research interests include gender studies, labor, space/place theory, urban studies, and dramatic textual history. My book-in-progress, Narratives of Working Women in Early Modern London: Gendering the City, analyzes early modern representations of women's labor in relation to specific London neighborhoods.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • 'An Honest Pair of Oars': Players, Watermen, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside
    Early Theatre, vol. 19
    December, 2016
  • The Gendered Place Narratives of Billingsgate Fishwives
    Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, vol. 56
    Spring, 2016

Awards & Distinctions

  • DAC Curriculum Diversification Fellowship
    Category: Teaching
    Diversity Action Committee, 2019
  • Outstanding Tenure-Track Teacher-Scholar Award
    Category: Teaching-Research
    School of Liberal Arts, 2019
  • COTFD Research Fellowship
    Category: Research
    Committee on Teaching and Faculty Develpment, 2018
  • Fr. Peter Fiore Excellence in English Fellowship
    Category: Research
    English Department, 2018
  • Information Literacy Faculty Development Grant
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College Standish Library Informational Literacy, 2017

Books & Book Chapters

  • Mapping Gendered Routes and Spaces in the Early Modern World
  • Lost Plays in Shakespeare's England


  • 'Wiser than her Neighbors?': Cunning Reputation in The Wise Woman of Hogsdon
    Shakespeare Association of America, Jacksonville, Florida
  • Gendering the Shop: Intersections of Gender, Class, and Geography in The Fair Maid of the Exchange and The French Garden
    Shakespeare Association of America, Austin (but met virtually), Texas
  • The 'Muses Colonie': Rhetorical Strategies of Prince Charles's Men at the Salisbury Court
    Shakespeare Association of America, Denver (but ended up virtual), Colorado
  • London Incorporated: Theater and Institutional Life
    Shakespeare Association of America, Washington, D.C., Unknown
  • 'Brave Captain Courageous': Gender, Nationalism, and Violence in Sir Thomas More
    Shakespeare Association of America, Los Angeles, California
  • Bodies of Authority: Contesting the Coercive Space in Early Modern England
    Attending to Early Modern Women Symposium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • 'She whom the Spital House': London Spital Houses and Timon of Athens
    Shakespeare Association of America, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Sexuality, Space, and Spectacle in Bridewell Prison Narratives
    Shakespeare Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • 'To spill my Husbands blood': The Influence of Gender in Early Modern Ballad Printing
    Shakespeare Association of America, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia
  • Getting Time on our Side: A Pedagogical Experiment
    Attending to Early Modern Women Symposium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • 'A Choice Pair of Noble-mens Oares': The Bankside Players and Thames Watermen
    Shakespeare Association of America, St. Louis, Missouri
  • 'That Olde Hag Gillian of Braineford': Rethinking the Cultural Significance of a Lost Play
    Shakespeare Association of America, Toronto, Canada
  • Attending to Fishwives: Views from Seventeeth Century London and Amsterdam
    Attending to Early Modern Women Symposium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Gendered Place Narratives of Billingsgate Fishwives and their Dutch Counterparts
    Shakespeare Association of America, Boston, Massachusetts